Timelines for Various Yonder Connected PsyOps, Updated 6/24/24
A Series on Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Updated: Added Recent Ops and filled in gaps
Note: QAnon is a fifth column building radicalization program that culminated with the attack on January 6th. It is part of the MAGA3x program Mike Flynn directs attempting to create conditions leading to a Civil War, strongly suggested to be funded primarily by Peter Thiel. While Yonder did not create QAnon, they provide support and amplification effects, a controlled opposition of inauthentic research and reporter assets that protect the underlying mission, individuals involved, and factual evidence from exposure. They essentially, protect the desired narratives.
March 1, Jeff Giesea, a Peter Thiel Fellow, publishes, “It’s Time To Embrace Memetic Warfare.”
July, Susan Portnoy, former VP of Communication at Condé Nast, begins Resistance infiltration Op, KassandraSeven. Remi Barrette, Bell, Canada employee, begins Resistance infiltration Op, Conspirator0, as a data scientist.
Midyear, fake-left operatives Louise Mensch, Andrew Auernheimer, Jeff Jobe, and others set up Team Patriot operation to lure prominent leftwing voices, sow discord and distrust, and to promote false narratives
August 3, New Knowledge developed Hamilton68 Dashboard, run by a secondary company Alliance For Securing Democracy, purporting to monitor Russian disinformation launches.
Fall, Microchip, Douglass Mackey and Doug Matthew Stewart run Memetic Warfare campaign using weaponized memes to trick blacks in Georgia into texting to vote.
Early October, “Tea Leaves” a yet unidentified data scientist claiming to view internet traffic between Alfa Bank, Spectrum Health and Trump Tower, as part of his job conducting cyber security for a bank, claims to have found proof that Russia and Trump campaign are in communication. Louise Mensch begins work with a “patriotic data scientist” at the same time, Remi Barrette, using TrollFinder_Gen instead of his Conspirator0 account. This is the beginning of the Alfa Bank Trump Tower Conspiracy that will lead in part to the John Durham investigation.
October 31 Slate and Mother Jones publish pieces based on Mensch’s manufactured hoax. NYTimes publishes the debunk noting that the data transferred was advertisements for Trump properties.
November 4th, Pizza is added to the core Clinton-Epstein conspiracy pre-built starting at CPAC 2015, in response to the identity of Trump/Epstein victim “Maria” receiving a probable match, via a missing person case file sent to Lisa Bloom of a girl trafficked, last seen March 20, 1993 outside of Nash’s Pizza & Grocery in Waterbury, CT. Bloom sells that story same day to National Enquirer.
While likely not originating within Yonder, PizzaGate along with most QAnon narratives are actively supported by the company’s social media influencer operations, employed to do so generally via subcontractor status.
November 6th, 7th Louise Mensch and Remi Barrette generate two Heat Street articles to counter NYTimes debunk identifying that the DNS lookup data sent to Spectrum Health resulted in unsolicited spam, promoting various Trump branded properties. The easily debunked conspiracy results in public distrust of factual reporting regarding known links between Russia and Trump.
November 10-12th, Jack Posobiec and Andrew Auernheimer, AKA Weev, run “Rape Melania” false flag campaign. MAGA3x splinters with Zanting undermining the group later publishing MAGA3x recruitment docs and other evidence tying the group to multiple illegal election interference operations.
November 26th, Yonder run precursor to Hamilton68, PropOrNot, under CodyWebb using a team of ‘unknown researchers’ to sow disinformation about what the Russians were doing. The Op self-destructs quickly when the website uses a ‘guilt-by-association’ smear that exposes the whole operation as a fraud.
January 2017, Remi Barrette creates the Zellaquixote account to self-verify his work
Early 2017, Anonymous collective hacker Will Welna contracts likely via Mensch’s privately held company Forma Flos to work short term under Louise Mensch
Early 2017, Former Sputnik News employee and star of Hacker Wars featuring the Anonymous Collective, Joe Fionda contracts via Forma Flos to work short term for Louise Mensch
March 15, Louise Mensch publicly asks for a data scientist to help her look at Tea Leaves data instead of using the unestablished account Trollfinder_Gen she had done so before in October/November 2016. Remi Barrette, who is able to track and document internet traffic on behalf of his employer, the telecommunications company Bell, Canada, responds quickly and publicly manufactures a second data set on Twitter over the course of the next two weeks. Richie Guinn, a boss at Yonder according to Joe Fionda, comments on the work.
March 17, Louise Mensch publishes an OpEd in the NYTimes pushing for further investigation.
April 3, Yonder’s TeaPain Anon account pushes a third dataset for the companies AlfaBank Trump Tower hoax when press won’t source Conspirator0 account using a semi-plausible alias of Thomas Elmer Addison Payne born July 4, 1776 to mask the ruse.
May 6th-15th, Andrew Auerheimer interferes in French election running MacronGate on the DailyStormer, the largest English speaking Nazi website
Mid-Year to December, Louise Mensch and Richie Guinn (counterchekist) successfully influence people to sign up for an App that automates blocking millions of people under false pretenses, dividing the left. Yoel Roth, who is second in line to head Twitter Safety, does nothing to prevent this platform manipulation and abuse.
October 1, Yonder runs the Cassandra Fairbanks is KassndraSeven Op
October 25, Louise Mensch’s main account is suspended for a week after posting private information with the intent to harass, a process known as doxing, attacking Jeff Reffman
October 28, The first Q drop is posted by the MAGA3x program
November ?? Yoel Roth promoted internally to Head of Twitter Safety
November 4, Susan Portnoy’s (KassandraSeven) weeks long efforts to begin a Civil War via the Resist Fascist Op fails after insufficient Communists showed up nationally to clash with rightwing groups similarly recruited by other influencers.
November 7 Robert McNeese, a target of Louise Mensch’s attacks, commits suicide. Yoel Roth and Twitter Safety took no action towards Mensch despite her main account being primarily identified as abusing McNeese. Instead, Twitter purged almost all historical records of his account including positive interactions with his friends.
November 26, Louise Mensch’s Team Patriot deletes the Blocklist after successfully traumatizing millions. Yoel Roth, head of Twitter Safety, does nothing despite this clearly being massive platform manipulation with the primary culprits identified when the PsyOp ends.
December 7-10, Remi Barrette publishes three threads regarding Roy Moore being supported by Russia, citing manufactured evidence of 10K Russian appearing bots as part of Project Birmingham.
December 17, the Senate publishes Yonder’s report on Russian interference during the 2016 US election. Renee DiResta, a Peter Thiel Fellow, led that research.
December 18, after tips, the mainstream press reports on Project Birmingham and the five Facebook accounts created to prop up a third party conservative to weaken Roy Moore’s election chances.
December 22, Yonder’s boss Jonothan Morgan banned from Facebook over Project Birmingham. Yoel Roth at Twitter failed to take action on any Yonder accounts known for their role in manufacturing 10K Russian appearing bots in the likely illegal scheme funded by Pay Pal Billionaire Reid Hoffman, a close associate to Peter Thiel.
Feb-Jan 2020, Joe Fionda, contracts to work for Louise Mensch and Richie Guinn as a subcontractor to Yonder via a shell company, part time, 15-20 hrs/wk at $3.5K per month.
May 23-24, Conspiracy created without public dataset claiming #Resistance Trump critics Krassenstein Brothers had used a botnet to amplify themselves after likely mass reporting campaign by Yonder. Over 24-hr period the accounts were twice reinstated while Susan Portnoy, AKA KassandraSeven amplified the false claims.
Mid-year, Rebekah Jones begins to be targeted by a group of possible Yonder connected accounts, acting under the direction of Christina Pushaw, Governor DeSantis’s spokeswoman.
January 6, US Capitol Insurrection happens as fifth column operation, yet fails to cause Civil War, ending the active phase of the QAnon operation.
January, social media influencer Douglass Mackay, is indicted for running the RickyVaugn Op in 2016 defrauding around 6,000 people of their right to vote by tricking them to instead vote by phone. Mackey is believed to have been working with an aligned competitor group of Yonder Inc., and has yet to have a trial date set.
April, Susan Portnoy and Remi Barrette join the ongoing influence operation with Pushaw, with Yonder manufacturing 10K Turkish bots, then purchasing 50K forced followers via the Year Round Fun App Remi was presently featuring on his timeline.
June 7, Remi Barrette bans Rebekah Jones remotely via Twitter Console, a computer program meant to remove bots, under Spam and Manipulation. An unidentified “Twitter Spokesperson” lies to the press to complete the fabrication the day before Jones enters the race for the Florida1 House race as planned. Christina Pushaw congratulates Susan Portnoy and Remi Barrette for their work. Remi reaches out to Forbes to launder his lie to the media.
Midyear-end, Yonder gets involved in the San Francisco School Board Recall with both Louise Mensch and Renee DiResta (currently working under the Stanford Institute) showing up on the Pro-Recall side. There is a major flood of Asian “Wencil Bots” using GAN generated profile pics that function to amplify messaging in the campaign. On the opposing side, Rocco Castoro led primarily Nicole Chenelle and Matt Donovan in doxing attacks against locals intimidating and interfering in their civil rights to vote and speak out politically.
January, Remi Barrette uses the Twitter Console to ban researcher Jim Stewartson inauthentically, then creates a conspiracy involving API abuse as justification. Louise Mensch attempts to tie Neal Rauhauser and Libby Shaw, the latter which appears to have worked for Yonder in the past as well as dating Joe Fionda, to Jim Stewartson
February 24, Russia Invades Ukraine. Louise Mensch shortly after begins her Azov battalion Op, supportive of Vladimir Putin’s denazification propaganda, with the caveat of having plausible deniability when questioned about it.
March 25, Remi Barrette uses the Twitter Console to ban author and researcher Steve Jarvis inauthentically, then creates a conspiracy implying that posting a response including a link of a story to someone who they are a mutual follow with is spamming. Brad Shuttleworth publicly congratulates Remi for his work revealing conspirator0 had the long known about Twitter Console.
April-June, Louise Mensch runs the CanadianUkrain1 Op, promoting a stolen valor account purporting to be fighting as a volunteer in Ukraine. The account is finally shelved when incongruities in their statements and plastic equipment were called out.
April-June, Susan Portnoy conducts Men-Too Op attacking Amber Heard, Elon Musk’s estranged ex-girlfriend during the Depp-Heard trail.
May 10th, The Ouroboredom suicide trolling account using a cartoon man with gun to head avatar as its profile pic is temporarily banned for suicide ideation after commenting on a local newspaper, telling someone to “I hope that crooked mf eats brick.” The account is quickly restored via Remi Barrette’s console. Later during the summer this account is forced after lock to change avatars for violation of suicidal images policies, changes to another suicidal image, then promptly forced to change via lock, adding a less obvious suicidal avatar having the avatar wear the uniform from the suicide game Doki Doki Literature Club.
May 19th, Using James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, A Company in part funded by Peter Thiel, Elon Musk attempts to crash Twitter’s stock value via a series of catfish videos of drunk Twitter engineers on dates.
June 10th, In an operation meant to get ahead of and kill a story on a Lauren Boebert abortion discovered by American Muckrakers, Rocco Castoro reposts Nicole Chenelle’s Explore Talent thread featuring pictures of Lauren Boebert, Melissa Carone and others, that are then used to create a fake SugarDaddy.com profile.
June 14th-15th, Rocco Castoro’s group runs Op to “defame” Lauren Boebert, with Rocco tweeting the Carone picture at the Congresswoman after MadDogPac fell for the bait. Despite Chenelle having gathered intel and previously correcting others over mistaking Carone for Boebert, she doesn’t correct Rocco despite working with him.
Beginning July 29th, Remi Barrette begins an Op to target and destroy BNN, Breaking News Network, owned by Gurbashk Chahal after getting identified as inauthentic. Erin Gallagher, Louise Mensch, Will Welna, Barrett Brown, Susan Portnoy, Matt Donovan and others all swarm, proving they still work as a team unit. Remi removes over 200+ verified accounts and uses an “anonymous twitter spokesperson” to tell the press in advance he will be removing these one by one.
August 4th, Joe Fionda files court docs in Cook County, Illinois case linking employer Louise Mensch to hiring him to work under shell company for Yonder Inc, formerly New Knowledge.
August 29, Philippine fugitive suicide trolling pioneer GamerGate founder Fred Brennan is permanently banned for 6 hours, restored once US Twitter Safety was awake.
August 30, HELLMNOP is locked for three minutes for suicide ideation attacks, getting the account restored promptly by Remi Barrette. This account identifies as Yonder, having a sparkly pink avatar, supporting Susan Portnoy’s hashtag movement.
October, Remi Barrette removes more BNN accounts, a verified Charity and verified non-profit of Chahal’s.
October 22, Lia Spinelli after returning to X following likely Fed sweep of her and boyfriend Doug Matthew Stewart, admits Mike Flynn is Q
October 28, Elon closes Twitter acquisition deal. Susan Portnoy, Matt Donovan and others, conduct Twitter Safety Influence Op, mass reporting mostly Bot accounts using racist slurs AFTER Twitter had removed moderation tools for 99% of all staff. Accounts are promptly banned, likely by Remi Barrette who maintains an active Twitter Console. Most individuals were receiving automated rejection notices for reports at the same time.
November 1, Former Yonder employee, Renee DiResta issues report on behalf of Musk, now working for the Peter Thiel connected Stanford Institute.
November 23, Chad Loder, an associate that works with Yonder Inc operations on occasion is banned after breaking the news of an earlier data harvesting operation that pulled 400 million Twitter accounts revealing private data such as phone and email addresses. He is promptly banned via for hateful conduct. Remi Barrette restores the account, then it is banned a second time after Andy Ngo complains to Elon Musk correctly under Ban Evasion. Chad also posts no longer visible toots on Mastodon regarding the data heist.
November 24, Yonder manufactures a hit list comprising 5000 ANTIFA accounts then uses social media and operatives to spread awareness.
December 1, Chad Loder uses Business Insider to launder new lie that Zanting mass reported him off of Twitter, in hopes that gets his account restored.
December 13, Remi Barrette is featured in Newsweek as a subtweet of Caroline Orr Bueno, a disingenuous and untruthful “researcher,” giving a potential motive for the hack, anger over Musk’s stochastic terrorism aimed at Yoel Roth.
December 23, mainstream news begins to report on Twitter data harvesting attack after “Ryushi” persona is created to blackmail Musk. Materials are later released.
January 3, Chad Loder is featured in WaPo with his company hiring Peiter “Mudge” Zitko. This includes the first reporting that Elon Musk banned Chad.
January 24, Louise Mensch, Cody Webb, Nicole Chenelle, and Erin Gallagher preview TwitterFiles15 on the Hamilton68 dashboard that would be posted on the 27th.
January 26, A Bloomberg article describes a screenshot of Chad Loder’s Twitter account, taken via console access implying Remi Barrette, whose access was never revoked, was responsible for the photo.
January 31, Remi Barrette reveals he also operates the ‘best friend’ ZellaQuixote account, demonstrating that he verified all his own work tagging himself into every “investigation” he ran, blowing his two-account “authentication” operation he ran for six years.
February 20, Remi Barrette copies July 15, 2020 Crypto scam taking over Chahal’s account via console and secondary internal code called GodMode available to all console users, tweets out the below.
February 25, Remi Barrette removes Chahal’s email and phone internally from his account, bans the account along with Chahal’s wife using the code Ban Evasion.
March 15, The account of the PM of Nepal is similarly taken over by Blur.
April 1, Douglass Mackey convicted after two week trial, with a “Microchip” testifying as a cooperating witness after secretly pleading guilty of the scheme, promising more cooperation in other prosecutions.
April 3, After behind the scenes efforts providing Shellenberger correct verifiable facts that Musk didn’t want reported, Matt Taibbi publishes TwitterFiles exposing Peter Thiel Fellow Renee DiResta and ‘New Knowledge’ as being behind the Hamilton68.
April 6, Andrew McGimpsey’s MaxNordau and Susan Portnoy’s KassandraSeven coordinating with DeSantis’s office, publish same day video and court documents regarding a minor child.

April 7, Fallout begins to shake out between TwitterFiles authors and Musk, with a short term ‘break’ of Substack links.
April 12, DB publishes piece relating to Susan Portnoy and Andrew McGimpsey’s targeting Rebekah Jones’s child on behalf of DeSantis posting documents and video that they legally had no justifiable reason to have.
April 14, BNN officially files suit against Twitter and X in San Francisco over breach of contract, failure to follow policies, and giving third parties console access.
April 15, Elon Musk ends TwitterFiles agreement with Matt Taibbi and Shellenberger after Gurbashk Chahal got information regarding Renee DiResta, Peter Thiel’s righthand once head at Yonder, that led to the second to last TwitterFile created skewering her for past work peddling disinformation on behalf of Musk, Thiel, and the PayPal Mafia.
April 28,
Florida Spokesperson Jeremy Redfern is identified as having been responsible for giving Andrew McGimpsey court documents and video same day of sketchy arrest of 13-year old son again tying the Governor’s office to criminal activity. Susan Portnoy, a known accomplice, also disseminated the material on behalf of DeSantis’s office.
May 5, Mike Flynn sues Jim Stewartson with Susan Portnoy publishing the lawsuit in a thread. The suit cited recently manufactured evidence by Jared Holt and Mike Rothschild laundered into the ADL.
May 7, Remi runs a small botnet then bans the accounts, alleging the seven accounts retweeted my Substack a total of 10 times. Matt Donovan reveals that the article retweeted was written the same day.
May, Susan Portnoy begins targeting NYC residents attempting to incite violence after the Subway death of Jordan Neely.
May, mid, Koletkiva server, where Chad Loder and others within MAGA3x’s Antifa op work, is seized by FBI in unprotected state. Koletkiva has key evidence needed to prosecute Loder and perhaps others, over the Ryushi hack.
May 17, Erik Prince, rumored to have trained some of the Single Purpose Hate Accounts Yonder contracts, indicted in Austria
May 26th, Doug Matthew Stewart’s team runs fake Microchip account operation during Mackey trial, meant to discredit witness and blow up prosecution into himself and others who previously worked together.
June 6, Kash Patel sues Jim Stewartson
June 12, Reporting breaks that Erik Prince has been subpoenaed over training political infiltration groups to spy on Democrats, similar to Susan Portnoy’s known operations
June, Susan Portnoy targets multiple religious groups and clergy attempting to incite violence including this horrific statement,“It means the Southern Baptist Convention is poisonous and should be eradicated.”
September, Susan Portnoy begins writers, actors and UAW strikes operations
October, Susan Portnoy begins Anti-Israel, Anti-Biden, Anti-American operation exploiting the current MidEast conflict after terror group Hamas invaded Israel slaughtering people including Americans at a concert. Russia benefits the most from the conflict, scapegoating Iran who was blindsided by the unforeseen terror attack.
December, Caroline Orr Bueno and Susan Portnoy run influence operation supporting Hamas. Orr Bueno gets called out as well as Portnoy.
January 2, Andrew Auernheimer, AKA Weev and theScreamingFly hacks into and removes sock account within minutes of a post. Weev then hacks into a second sock account to label a tweet he finds worrisome. Weev continues to build evidence linking him to having console access.
Mid January, Courts adjudicate based on Prima Facie evidence that Mike Flynn is running QAnon destroying years of false narratives laid by Mike Rothschild, Will Sommer, Jared Holt, Logan Strain and others connected to Doug Matthew Stewart meant to obscure core facts.
January 17, Alex Jones admits Mike Flynn runs QAnon destroying years of false narratives laid by Mike Rothschild, Will Sommer, Jared Holt, Logan Strain and others connected to Doug Matthew Stewart meant to obscure core facts.
January 28th, Remi Barrette runs botnet verification scheme, featuring large botnet of inauthentically verified via console accounts.
January 31, Susan Portnoy admits the group works with Mike Flynn
February 3, Mike Rothschild runs pedo smear with Swedish GamerGate troll Robin
February 7th, Portnoy has account linking her to Sergei Grishin DMCA takedown notice removed by Weev or Remi Barrette
February 8th, Musk caught allowing Russians StarLink access
February 9th, Susan Portnoy admits to registering her websites under fake name “Susan Portnoy”
February 15th, Weev or Remi Barrette, live-hacks HiFi account during TwitterSpaces
February 24th and 25th, Weev gets catfished and caught live hacking X
April 17, Doug Matthew Stewart, founder of Antifa and Aubrey Cottle, founder of Anonymous, threaten via weaponized meme to kill Josh Fidel’s kids. Doug would then act as a former colleague and a non-existent WSJ OpEd ‘junior’ editor in an attempt to catfish an address out of Fidel so as to act upon said threat.
April 28-early May, Twitter releases reports of violations not found of account banned by Weev mid-January where group mass reported account alleging criminal behavior, establishing that it took 3.5 months for moderation activity.
May 1, Remi Barrette runs repeat gold verification scheme, creating a TrimFeed sock, part of an over-arching scheme to discredit predecessor BNN’s reporting on his hacking operations.
May 2, Doug Matthew Stewart highlights former Yonder employee/researcher providing insider information on how she and others were effectively catfished into creating disinformation during Project Birmingham so as to later be blamed as corrupt leftist researchers creating disinformation interfering in US elections
May 24, Lawsuit against Louise Mensch tossed after successful infiltration efforts steered litigant suing Mensch into
Late May-June, Susan Portnoy’s network begins posting deleted tweets removed Christmas break, 2021, from CrookedPinkie1 account, demonstrating evidence linking her and group to hacking via console access private information.
June 1, Doug Matthew Stewart admits to working with Mike Flynn, citing his intent to depose man whom infiltrated theThinkinProject similar to Doug’s and Yonder’s team in 2021.
June 18-22, Remi Barrette runs Op supportive of Peter Thiel’s objectives using a fake manually ran ‘Russian’ chatbot to harm OpenAi in possible workup bid for authoritarian capture