None Of What Is Happening With Twitter Safety Is Authentic
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Remi Barrette still has an active console.
According to reports, only fifteen people at Twitter Safety are allowed to manage the deluge of thousands upon thousands of generated reports when the unit once had hundreds and was unable to respond to most of them for months, despite most of those being elevated suicide trolling, threats of violence, and not the typical racist stuff that permeates threads usually via coded language instead of being outright.
Yet @Jim_Stewartson gets on, posts three times, and only after he announces via Substack he has a new account and people should follow it, he is promptly banned. Yeah, right.
I early wrote this piece on one account operated by a person likely in Spain that people were brigading for more than a day on with no response from Twitter Safety that was spamming the N-word like the bots were. Susan Portnoy came in and solved that then and there.
This here shows that the gap was roughly thirty minutes after Kari responded to Antonio, that Susan shows up after vanquishing the foe.
The thing is, this nasty tweet spamming N-slurs is still up, though banners on other tweets by the account are now up. Note the date of his original offense.
How is it that only after Susan Portnoy does something an action is taken on the account?
This whole charade is simply Twitter Safety coordinating with Yonder Inc. to manufacture a crisis heavily reported on in the media, that then solved quickly having just a motley crew of fifteen to do the work of hundreds, is quite the story.
So let’s reveal how this version of Yonder Inc’s Project Birmingham was done.
Someone generated 300 AI scripted bots built to amplify a public a manufactured crisis where “people” started breaking Twitter’s rules with Elon swooping in and saving the day to the praise of the press and adoring public. At least that is how the story is supposed to pan out, but hopefully won’t. We already know Remi Barrette has a functional Twitter Console and works with Susan Portnoy. We also know Remi scripts AI and Bots, was responsible for creating 10K Turkish bots to frame Rebekah Jones’s campaign, and participated publicly manufacturing the data sets and narratives of both the Alfa Bank Trump Tower Wiretap Conspiracy and the original Project Birmingham where Roy Moore’s account was followed by 10K fake Russian bots.
There is this expression that seems to apply here.
“If the shoe fits, wear it.”
Here are two accounts, likely subcontracted to do this during the Psychological Operation, PsyOp, that we have already covered as being part of the networks controlling social narratives, that have worked with both Susan Portnoy and Remi Barrette in the past.

And the second account doing this, on his backup after a ban of his main is just as inauthentic with his eighteen “kills.”
Given that only a handful of people inside Twitter could ban accounts, and Remi Barrette outside of the company also can and did, the above smorgasbord of receipts generated to Yonder Ops is itself inauthentic.
Last week Remi banned a high impression/follower account of Carl Sizelove's @Baddcompani. This one was strange because Carl who is an open critic of members of both Rocco's and Louise's teams of trolls, didn't get an email telling him why he had been banned. At the same time, Remi also banned a tiny test account I asked a friend to make that had just two tweets. Same thing. No email response. Jim Stewartson has also run multiple tests to get Remi to bite, including one today. No email response and a ban within ten minutes of his announcing the account existed via Substack.
None of this is authentic. None. Here is another operative account, transitioned fully to Nicole_Chenelle perhaps after Matt Donovan had it for awhile.
Hi there, Nic the N@zi. Fuck you forever, chica. 🖕🕊