Let’s start with this.

Libby Shaw is one of the known trained Yonder ops who infiltrates political groups, uses an extensive network of sock accounts, and runs pernicious false flags similar to Louise Mensch.
The above as represented here, indicates Cody Webb AKA WebCoderz was behind the fake news site PropOrNot, the precursor to New Knowledge’s Hamilton68 op that tracked MAGA3x operatives purporting to be spreading Russian propaganda.
There was also a PropOrNot account associated with the website that Canadian hacker Remi “Conspirator0” Barrette would interact with on Twitter, presently off-line due to a February 2023 suspension.
Here is an example of Remi promoting the account as organic in comparison to his ‘copycat’ DrunkAlexJones bot completely ignoring that a computer can be trained via machine learning to appear ‘random’ in their posting habits.
And here, another reminder that Remi Barrette subscribes to racist Chan-iconography with his disturbing earless Wojak meme.

Here was the first conversation between the two fake Yonder socks with the PropOrNot account first contacting Remi deep within a long thread, as a means of clout building narrative.

As Cody Webb ran the fake PropOrNot hoax, all I would need is to somehow tie him back to Remi Barrette in some spectacular jaw-dropping fashion like this.
New Knowledge created Prop Or Not.
The story of how that one launched and then failed is quite simple. Here is the ‘retraction’ heading to WaPo after “Cody” who like Libby, is potentially a Ricky Vaughn misdirect meant to shield the bad actor from prosecution.
I would wager at least one of them would be Renee DiResta, Clint Watts or Jonothan Morgan.