Portnoy's Crew Continues to Post Deleted Tweets, Likely Proving Hacks
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Susan Portnoy, a nearing sixty-year-old Russian-American spy currently admitted to working with Mike Flynn, has been pulling old deleted tweets from X, posting them without a link to the source where they had been properly archived, nor the post date. That action makes it highly likely that these tweets prove my central claim that the group has conspired to hack targets' DMs and other inaccessible data via console since June 2021.
The key reason she isn’t sharing the post date is that she knows that if she does that will prove whether it is within the needed range or not of what is publicly accessible on Internet Archive. There are three archives with none of them having direct accessibility to replies to tweets demonstrated previously.
Additionally, the backdoor approach only holds material from my account up until a certain date, ending June 9, 2020, due to rate-limits topping out at 10,000.
The earliest date is noted here.
Susan Portnoy already screwed up royally with this German archived post, seeing as there are no German-language generated archives presently on the Internet Archive, only two English and the third and most recent one in Arabic.
The likely sometime in 2021 date on this one above doesn’t even matter, given the German word ‘Folgen’ marking this as proof she had one of her hackers, either Remi Barrette or Andrew Auernheimer, get her a trove of deleted tweets she’s only now attempting rather incompetently, to weaponize.
What she by sharing this did, was add evidence proving a third additional felony intrusion her group conspired to do into X at a yet unspecified date after March 25, 2022 targeting my account specifically.
Yes, third.
The tweet above also establishes that hack as a criminal conspiracy, in which she shared the hacked materials others within her group acquired illegally.
Here is how Brad Shuttleworth attempted to narratively downplay the added risk they took by posting non-archived deleted tweets only accessible via console.
I was vaguely aware of Portnoy, while very much aware of Chad Loder’s role running Antifa ops fighting online against his MAGA3x counter Andy Ngo years prior. I only chose to engage when it was clear Louise Mensch, whom I knew pushed the Alfa Bank Trump Tower Hoax, was part of the terror campaign Remi Barrette and the rest were running targeting actual leftwing activists and influencers I was following.
Just saying.
If it were true that Brad had been monitoring me for a lot longer, he’d have no problem linking to the archives he made.
He’d also be admitting that he began monitoring me strictly based on my publishing Donald Trump Explained, a Special Education Perspective of the Forty-fifth President of the United States, the sole purpose I set up the account. That would also be a tacit admission that the group works for Mike Flynn, which, granted, Susan Portnoy already admitted they do, but still, Brad Shuttleworth is lying as per usual.
I assume some of what the group is sharing is among the range of December 11, 2018 and June 9, 2020, that would likely be within the archives if I took the time to look through all 200 pages, doing so so as to make things harder for me to verify if these deleted tweets exist stored somewhere.
Frankly, I don’t have to.
Portnoy does.
All are posts from before my engagement with her group’s illegal operations while using my book cover as profile pic. They are mostly outside the dated range of actual documented and known archives, and they have for the most part all come from low-impression tweets I purged by the end of Christmas break, 2021. The only way these could be accessed given the lack of archives for most of them, that they are all likely from within deleted tweets, that many of them have incredulously ridiculous time-stamps suggesting I was always being spied on by the group, is clearly being done so via administrative console.
Susan Portnoy is also proven to operate KassandraSeven, and is credibly accused of being a leader within MAGA3x presently conducting hacking and espionage missions while admitting her group works on behalf of felon Mike Flynn. So she must prove at some point that she obtained these legally, doing so before she gets steam-rolled again like she did when she had the group post a sexual meme of my preschooler.
Besides, her not providing the links to these, only makes it more likely journalists I am presently speaking to move forward, along with Federal investigators looking into Ryushi whom already received other materials from me.
This is precisely the evidence needed without that to move multiple things forward, so sure. Go ahead and not post links to where you ‘found’ these inaccessible deleted tweets and see where that goes. It will be fun. At least for me.
One of her co-conspirators, believed to be Pedo-Bear-Robin Erickson (sp?) posted this likely archived yet still deleted tweet. Note the date.
Despite likely being a deleted post, it’s within the known date range within the Internet Archive, so possibly could be there unlike Portnoy’s clearly hacked ‘German’ tweet.
I’ll help with this one, since it was a deleted tweet and I know the reference to what was said.
The ‘big belly’ remark was an irrational reference from an insult an 8th grader threw out and later apologized for, after I asked him to correct a misbehavior, not something my family has ever said. Didn’t bother me then, doesn’t bother me now. The only difference here is Susan is almost 60, while he was 14, yet she still doesn’t know anything about how to behave or act anything like an adult, unlike the kid did in apologizing.
The date of this tweet was within two days of December 29, 2021, well outside the range of what was archived and presently publicly accessible. This was the article I was responding to and why I used the term ‘straight.’
Let’s look at Pedo-Bear-Robin’s account, Susan’s accomplice that is also Doug Matthew Stewart’s accomplice.
It’s pretty obvious Nazis don’t like humor, with my mocking Trump’s over the top lies with something equally as absurd. This tweet is most definitely among those I deleted as I purged every single tweet I posted specifically to Trump as they generally were invisible just as Susan Portnoy’s work is most of the time. This ‘archive’ also falls outside of the range stored on the Internet Archive, as well as being archived in German when no German archive is present. What’s even more ridiculous, is that they dated the tweet of Trump 3 Std, meaning the archive with just one like, would have been archived three hours after Trump’s post.
Clearly they don’t know how to run their own false flags nor other operations any better today than they did in 2016.
Normal people don't spend hours and hours each day searching for old tweets from an account that no longer exists.
And yet they can't understand why everyone thinks they are trolls.😆