Revisiting Remi Barrette's Rebekah Jones's Bot Buying Conspiracy
A Series on Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Remi Barrette, the Canadian occultist Tango Musician whose work building conspiracies is probably far deeper than what so far has been uncovered, has questions he needs to answer for to US authorities. That is because the individual who uses an occultist avatar for his Twitter feed has interfered in at least two known Federal elections, likely manufactured the entire Alfa Bank Trump Tower wiretap hoax that led to John Durham and nuked BNN, a billion plus impression generation per month news network costing Twitter substantial ad revenue capable of exceeding 100m per year.
One of those conspiracies saw Remi manufacture evidence he would use to “prove” Rebekah Jones added followers, first through Turkey, then through the Round Year Fun App. On June 7th, he then banned Jones personally by use of a Twitter Console, under the code Twitter Safety had given him to deal with bots, Spam and Manipulation.
That conspiratorial ground work included primarily Susan Portnoy of NYC, NY (K7), Andrew McGimpsey of Kokomo Indiana (MaxNordau), and foreign agent Christina Pushaw who went on to work directly under Governor DeSantis, along with a decent sock-net of mostly non-Floridian operatives using multiple Single Purpose Hate Accounts each to antagonize or boost anyone that mentions Jones.
Similar to how Yonder manufactured the Birmingham Project, creating ten-thousand “Russian” bots to follow Roy Moore in the 2017 Alabama Senate Special election, and spreading lies on social media threads, the intent of what Remi, Susan, Andrew and Christina were doing was to cause first social media interest that would in turn lead to mainstream media reporting. Here is one of six pages (there are 12 such pages according to the NYTimes) published by Peter Thiel protege Jeff Giesea on Medium.

It is unclear how the Yonder connected Giesea, known for his paper on Memetic Warfare, obtained these pages.
The total number of followers Yonder added to Jones’s account were 10K via the “Turkish bot farm,” or at least that where Remi Barrette claimed they came from, and 40K via the Round Year Fun App. The costs to sign up Rebekah Jones’s accounts to receive followers were negligible, compared to the 100K funding that went into Yonder’s smaller attack on Roy Moore’s campaign.

In addition to Remi’s work manufacturing the allegations and data to frame Rebekah Jones with his bot-buying conspiracy, a large sock-net of individuals worked on amplification efforts to boost each lie the group put out, to attack each Jones supporter, and to ensure none of her accounts remained on the platform for the purpose of the Florida 1st House election she announced as planned the day after Remi Barrette executed the script on his Twitter console banning her for Spam and Manipulation. Virtually all of these small accounts were mutually followed by Pushaw, Redfern, McGimpsey, a fact I covered in multiple articles, which likely then led to this failed two person “cover-up” mini-Op here below:

Here below was an extensive thread laid by Andrew McGimpsey, AKA Max Nordau, tracking reactions of accounts the assigned App used by Yonder to cause Twitter users then to follow Jones without their knowledge.
The purpose of Andrew’s several dozen tweest threaded together was to create a record the criminal co-conspirators hoped would be picked up on by the media once Remi Barrette executed his code banning Jones for Spam and Manipulation. This act was similar to Susan, Remi and others threads, to create a social media record of what they did to frame Jones.
And here was the celebration thread when Remi executed Jones’s account, June 7, 2021.
Because Yonder’s original Russian bot op with Roy Moore’s campaign was so successful in getting the impressions the company wanted, Pushaw, Barrette, McGimpsy, Portnoy ran a variation of that with the intent to remove her ability to fundraise on Twitter for her campaign.
What is more telling about how they did this was similar to Remi Barrette’s work to sneakily ban BNN, Breaking News Network, telling reporters via a spokesperson who is never identified the scoop.
Here perhaps was that same non-identified spokesperson giving a company statement to Insider prior to one verified BNN account at a time being banned, instead of using Twitter Safety tools that allow an entire network of accounts to be removed as a batch.

Remi Barrette was recently called out on Twitter over his getting caught creating the conspiracy, which defrauded the Jones Campaign out of tens of millions in cash donations that would have occurred had it not been for Twitter Safety giving him a console and continual cover allowing him to interfere with now multiple US elections.
Remi surprisingly admitted he didn’t prove his core allegations he used to Frame Rebekah Jones before he secretly not-any-longer-secretly banned her election campaign from Twitter.
Here are some additional articles regarding Remi Barrette’s conspiracy work.