Foreign Operative With Twitter Safety Tools, Again Wrecks Havoc Causing Millions in Estimated Damages
A Series on Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
On October 4, 2022 Remi Barrette banned RSurvives an account the Ops claimed was violating all sorts of Twitter Terms of Service rules but hadn’t. As a test, an experiment was run with a new account, RSurvives, R for Remi, because it was meant as a honeypot to see if Barrette would again execute a ban via console that could be documented internally. Barrette went beyond that, nuking not just the bait account, but @radicalizedpod, “at the same time” according to co-conspirator Susan Portnoy, the former Condé Nast VP of Communications operating the KassandraSeven Single Purpose Hate Account Network.
Remi, a foreign operative that has Twitter Safety’s tools, is the exact foreign threat of bad actors that “Mudge” testified in Congress of just last month warning that one could infiltrate Twitter then could go on and do bad things undetected. Here were two takeaways from Peiter “Mudge” Zatko testimony, documented by NPR.
How about the option of foreign operatives gaining those keys/tools that don’t even directly work for Twitter itself?
That brings us to Remi Barrette, conspirator0.
Remi Barrette is a Canadian Tango Musician with a tech background, identified by clues given on his Conspirator “Norteño” Twitter account as well as associations with others already known he brigades with as an online trolling unit, nicknamed the so-called Waterloo Mafia after the school mascot where they met. This below is Remi, from a recent Substack article. by Jim Stewartson.
Barrette’s online activities prior to gaining access to Twitter development tools, as his account states, were as a Data Scientist/Musician/Participant in the General Confusion. In truth, Remi is a foreign operative that through manipulation gained sufficient trust that head of Twitter Safety Yoel Roth, who gave the man the “keys” to scout for and remove Bot Networks off the platform, that he in turn instead has weaponized as a tool to traumatize and remove victims inauthentically. Here, Head of Twitter Safety since November 2017, Yoel Roth lays out the fact that Twitter partners with experts to identify and report misinformation.

Remi Barrette’s public Twitter feed on his conspirator0 account shows that he works heavily on the platform all day giving him insufficient time to have a secondary job. During his days he features accounts, mostly bot networks, that he then tags in a secondary shadowy operator, ZellaQuixote to look over. Amongst his “work” on identifying bots, Remi follows and interacts with a large assortment of cyber thugs that have been identified as conducting surveillance, pushing out disinformation primarily connecting to the MAGA3x program QAnon, gatekeeping, and harassment brigading doing suicide trolling meant to gain operational and narrative control over the platform. Remi having a console is a big deal in that regards. While he is supposed to be removing bots, he has often instead acted as a Twitter secretive executioner, eliminating accounts his aligned groups found problematic and unable to remove otherwise via mass reporting campaigns, such as Jim Stewartson, myself, and FL 1 House candidate Rebekah Jones.

Barrette was problematic before he got the keys, or in tech-speak, console that allows him to remotely remove accounts. He began along with other aligned operatives infiltrating movements, with his original assigned role being the Resistance, along with Susan Portnoy. Some of that was very psychologically traumatizing, like Louise Mensch’s designed blocklists, ran in late 2017 ultimately traced back to Yonder Inc, called New Knowledge at the time of the PsyOp, needing to change names after the company’s boss Jonothan Morgan was caught “testing” social engineered election interference during the 2018 Alabama Senate race.
During 2017, Remi was particularly active running political PsyOps alongside prominent disinformation mule, British novelist and former UK politician Louise Mensch, meant to sow confusion and cause Americans to fight Americans, who was on the Trump bandwagon as seen here, despite her repeated public insistence she led the resistance and team patriot against the Trump regime. The whole cover story was bunk, just like her Heat Street “News” outlet set up under Rupert Murdoch’s umbrella of disingenuous reporting.
The first major identified PysOp, psychological operation, conducted successfully by Barrette, was that of the public dataset recreation that formed the basis of the Trump Tower Alfa Bank Wiretap Conspiracy, for which he and Mensch worked publicly on Twitter for nearly a month. This allowed the story she had been pushing for months to finally gain a wider audience, through subterfuge, and set up the Trump team with red meat fodder that he had been unfairly spied on when the data showed nothing of the sort had indeed happened. Conspirator0, Mr. Barrette, simply went along and made it up with Louise publicly to push it mainstream.

Remi Barrette isn’t likely alone either given that Yoel Roth gave other “experts” in misinformation similar developer access and tools that the company does not track, has no idea who is doing what, and is a security nightmare.
In addition to baselessly removing Rebekah Jones campaign from Twitter, likely felonious election interference as the purpose is deprive her from both a platform to campaign as well as tens of millions in likely donations her 375K+ follower base would have brung, Remi traumatized many prominent resistor accounts, again, banning them for Spam and Manipulation via console, particularly obvious during a culling binge of resistance accounts January 2022.

Most of the accounts he nuked were high follower accounts, after he took offense to them. Nathalie, an account I was a mutual follow of when Remi banned my account, was only singled out because she blocked him. Twitter restored several days later, but was clearly shaken from the emotional abusive ordeal Remi had put her through.
The same thing happened after Remi got angry then targeted and removed Lance’s account after being called out for continuously harassing people, using trolling brigade tactics of tagging and shaming his targets. Lance too had his suspension overturned.
Remi Barrette holds grudges and a powerful developer tool capable of removing verified accounts and accounts that has him blocked. I too did have him blocked, as well as the much of the botnets and socks his group uses to spam mass reporting. That didn’t prevent him from nuking my account and getting publicly credited for it just as he did for illegally removing Rebekah Jones on behalf of Christina Pushaw, Florida’s foreign agent that then proceeded to be Governor DeSantis’s spokeswoman after that successful PsyOp had been conducted.

So what is Remi destroying with that console of his given to him by Twitter Safety currently doing?
Breaking Breaking News Network, or BNN.
Back on June 29, 2022, Remi ran into a buzzsaw backing up a journalist, then having both sides of the combined networks led by Louise Mensch and Doug Stewart, throw a number of Ops at the problem, each getting effectively blasted. While an attack on the fledgling news network had already been in progress for two days, this is where it appears to have accelerated. Over the next twenty-four hours one verified BNN account at a time was removed for Spam and Manipulation. While some of these presumably were hit via mass reporting strikes there was already clear evidence of coordination between Twitter Safety and competing News orgs.
At the time, I stated incorrectly that the Breaking News Network was not yet legitimate. That was due to the high presence of fake replacement accounts being put up during the operation misleading me, and not having done full diligence. BNN is legitimate, suffered extensive repetitional harm due to the coordinated attacks, which known operatives within these networks of social influence operators, Conspirator0’s Remi Barrette, Louise Mensch, Barrett Brown, Will Welna, Matt Donovan, Erin Gallagher and others engaged themselves in, the same individuals, minus Barrett, that also swarmed during the operation to take down Jim Stewartson and then my own accounts allowing the org to gain operational control of the Twitter platform.
There is a much longer story regarding what has happened with BNN, with their entire network of verified news accounts, including the main 322K follower one getting nuked one by one, a network of impersonation accounts put up, some of the accounts being returned stripped of verification, the time frame including off-site organizing lines up with Remi interjecting himself, followed by a fairly significant number of the major ops. What is factual are the recorded participants on the attack, such as Remi, who is running a masked “meme” account,
According to Chahal whom I have spoken with, most of the accounts were suspended under Platform Manipulation and Spam with some for Ban Evasion despite no authentic bans having taken place, similar to the circumstances Jim Stewartson encountered butting heads with the group. This below is the account credited for the initial swarm which curiously locked and deleted the corresponding tweets he had had on the account for months, removed on the evening of the fifth of October.

While I had looked on October 4th, I did not take screenshots besides this one of the materials he had posted and the one of a known account within the networks I have been researching amplifying the attack on BNN. I had only successfully gone through two groupings of retweets prior to the surprise deletions, a surprise considering they had not been removed for months until I began to dig.
(correction Oct 7—The tweets have returned, perhaps part of the series of glitches Twitter has been experiencing including likes issues)
The account additionally has just two accounts following it that I recognized that follow the main extremist network I have been studying for the past seven months. While the brigading operation began perhaps organically, Remi and his cohorts joined in on all the noise holding a weapon capable of nixing each BNN verified account. Did he? Perhaps not during the first round. I sadly wasn’t following what transpired too closely at the time. Not so the second round.
The attacks on BNN began again in earnest the first week of October, one account at a time with the same hallmarks of Remi’s Spam and Manipulation keyword, written on the notifications. These accounts went down 60-90 minutes after creation, with the times between dropping to minutes. Spam and Manipulation. This time it was clear by the timeline these actions were not automated, not mass reporting strikes, but clearly a human operative with console control spending time nuking the accounts shortly after each spawned, like a video game.
While its possible another outside contractor is responsible for deleting BNN accounts, Remi Barrette has both the motive and console to be behind the latest attack designed to take down the news network costing its one-hundred fifty employees their livelihoods, and Twitter itself millions according to Chahal in lost ad revenue generated from the hundreds of millions impressions per month the network had been sustaining.
In addition to being able to ban for Spam and Manipulation, Remi Barrette’s console allows him to also ban for Ban Evasion. This was clearly proven to me when Remi bragged about finding my so-called ban evasion accounts, neither of which I had used beyond a simple test, but knew at the time he nuked my crookedpinkie1 account were still operational if I knew the password.

I asked for clarification on how long it took to reach these numbers.
That would put the estimated losses to Twitter at over 200 million dollars in yearly revenue. Yonder Inc, and other clandestine operations, part of Twitter’s business plan of monetizing trauma and conspiracies, is harming not only Democracy, but its own bottom line.
Additionally, with Susan Portnoy’s admission at the top of this article that the group successfully banned two small accounts at the same time both accounts I have friends that have access to, there are added receipts collected.
Remi’s team claimed this was Josh Fidel (HiFi or High Fidelity) and the account was banned under Ban Evasion, Abuse and a whole assortment of unsubstantiated claims due their coordinated campaign to abuse Twitter’s reporting system. As the screenshot above clearly shows that is a lie. The account was nuked under Remi’s console Platform Manipulation and Spam.
Susan Portnoy lied above.
Given that Twitter Safety does not look at reports, because that would cost money, when an account does get suspended all backlogged reports trigger as violation found and returned to the reporter as such. This mass backlog of reports having actions taken on them also triggers under a secondary condition, when the account gets trashed parking it offline for thirty days or just by bouncing the account offline then back online. This is a major flaw for Safety, clearly exploitable by nefarious bad actors.
This allows Susan to lie, waving her receipts despite they not being authentic after Remi fires off an inauthentic ban of a target. The reason that it is a lie is that she knows Remi is responsible having conducted this same PsyOp repeatedly to defame high value targets they couldn’t legitimately remove without console access.
Matt Donovan likely threw up a false notice for the reinstated radicalizedpod account, put back on because when a console is used, there is likely no indication of why an action has been taken against an account.
This second report, also by Susan Portnoy, is also not true. I have had reports issued by a large group of people for all sorts of things including this horrific one by Andrew McGimpsey’s Max Nordau account. Twitter Safety does not act on the majority of violations reported on its platform. That includes child abuse where one operative called my daughter out by name on Substack, posted a gender swapped and blended image of her with a Porn message banner. Mostly, Twitter Safety ignores reports, or in the off chance the system has some AI, it does not find cause to take action and claims whatever was done was within the bounds of Terms of Service. However in the rare chance one of the Single Purpose Hate Account operatives that work with Remi Barrette do get banned, they have a direct line to Twitter Safety, allowing them to bypass or circumvent the rules to continue conducting suicide trolling. Keep in mind, that this is ongoing after one suicide did happen, at the start of Yoel Roth’s term as head of Twitter Safety, where he chose to do nothing to the account of Louise Mensch. I asked Louise about her role in all of that when she came to defend one of her operatives here on my publication.
We’ll end off with that, Conspirator0’s cohort showing zero remorse.