A Deeper Dive Into Mensch/Remi's Alfa Bank Trump Tower Wiretap Conspiracy
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Nicole Chenelle, who built the dossier of Explore Talent pics of Republican women operatives used to build the fake SugarDaddy account used by her team to catfish and destroy a Liberal PACs effectiveness for the midterms, has some real brainwashing duties, retweeted by Brad Shuttleworth.
Here is the irony of all of what Nicole is saying is made up.
Joe Fionda and Rocco Castoro have been pushing that somehow Louise Mensch had interfered with a FISA warrant, using insider intel. That interference was her and Remi Barrette’s recreation publicly of the dataset “Tea Leaves” used originally to start this false narrative of Russia-Trump, via the easily debunked and dismissed Alfa Bank Trump Tower Wiretap Conspiracy.

I go back and look from time to time to see what Remi has done to the historic record.
Note the icon that looks like a page with a circled minus sign on the lower right corner of the tweet on the same row as the date and time. That indicates the following:
Here is how the tweet looked originally when I located it originally on a deep dive into Remi’s account after Brad Shuttleworth signaled Remi Barrette was the guy with the console banning people on behalf of the team.
Remi Barrette has at some point recently hidden replies, which makes sense if one is intending to obstruct a possible Federal investigation that led to the John Durham Special Counsel that has spectacularly flopped. I also spotted this.
Remi Barrette here was being congratulated by Yonder bigwig, Richie Guinn.
Let’s point out the obvious here. Yonder controls narratives on social media, which has included pushing false stories such as the Birmingham Project where all these Russian bots were created, automated to follow Roy Moore, made obvious enough journalists found them on their own. Remi participated in that project writing multiple threads suggesting again falsely Russia was interfering with the Alabama special election.
Here is another page from Peter Thiel protege, Jeff Giesea describing what the Yonder team did during the Birmingham Project.

The whole point of the Birmingham project was to cause media attention, and create a narrative Yonder controlled.
The first time the story regarding an alleged connection between Alfa Bank and Trump tower hit days before the election, October 31. The story was offered up to likely all the major media outlets, yet didn’t register much of a blip in the news cycle at the time.
Clicking on a banner will take you to the archived Slate and Heat street articles.
The main reason was that the most logical explanation, spam emails being sent advertising Trump Hotels, mentioned in the Slate article with the Trump Tower to Spectrum Health, being the most likely cause.
Louise Mensch, whose job at some point saw her working for/with Yonder followed up Slate’s reporting with her disinformation publication, Heat Street, on November 7, 2016.
Here is the main part of that, calling out the more accurate debunk within the NYT:
For Louise to doggedly go after this story, recreating the data with Remi Barrette, whom she knew prior to disingenuously asking for a data scientist, then he jumps in and works recreating the data publicly, is highly suspicious considering narratives.
By bringing up this story again, having her piece published as an OpEd in the NYTimes on March 17, Mensch set the narrative.
Here was the main take away from her OpEd.

Trump’s allegations of his being wire-tapped, connected to the surveillance of Carter Page, was quite the boondoggle, tying together that, the Steele Dossier and Mensch’s Alfa Bank Trump Tower Wire Tap Conspiracy, in a profound way that wound up discrediting the Russia-Trump narrative to the public.

Thanks in a major part, Louise Mensch and Remi Barrette’s work poisoned public discourse against the factual truths regarding Trump-Russia. They also jointly caused spillover of their work to actual media, an intentional goal of such operations.
I love that KatheO got into Nicole the Na_i’s head. Rent. Free. 🤭