Remi Barrette, Foreign Operative With Twitter Safety Tools AKA @conspirator0, Costs Twitter 100M Annually in Ad Revenue With Latest Attack
A Series on Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Remi Barrette, the Canadian hacker with Twitter Safety tools he clearly should not have, has been engaged in an all out war against Breaking News Network, Gurbaksh Singh Chahal, his non-profit and suicide prevention accounts, all of which had verification and were paying Twitter for advertising.

According to the letter Chahal filed to Elon Musk’s legal team, the cost of Remi’s takedown of accounts is a loss in excess of $100 million in ad revenue to Twitter, far exceeding any contracts that Yonder, its shell companies or other invested professional social media influence operations make for the company.
Remi’s catastrophic and illegal third-party actions wiping out millions in Twitter profits in the short term, and theoretically billions over a ten year span, could not have happened without Twitter Safety support and access to tools allowing him to strip down verification and ban accounts remotely.
I have detailed much of the criminally minded hijinks and his subterfuge meant to hide the evidence of his and others crimes since February. Here, with a heavily hyperlinked/sourced article I delved into much of that.
This time we will look more at how he attempted to hide his tracks, creating with his team of hack experts, conspiracies meant to distract or muddy the waters for any potential criminal investigators snooping.

Back in January when Jim Stewartson got too close to his criminal operation, Remi blew up Jim’s account inauthentically multiple times, confusing the folks at Twitter Support who couldn’t find a valid reason to keep a suspension in place. Remi, Brad Shuttleworth, Nicole Chenelle, Matt Donovan and others manufactured a cause.
Remi Barrette is a reasonably intelligent tech guy, so the ridiculousness of the above exchange stood out when I first found the thread digging into how and why Jim Stewartson had been banned. Both he and Matt Donovan (amagicwindow) have stated themselves to have API access. Nicole, the one with average intelligence amongst the group, interestingly has the job to be the smartest on this assignment with her stating the specific rule under which the conspiracy was meant to take root instead of any of the tech bros.
And there Remi has his API conspiracy crafted to publicly justify consoling the man off of the platform.
Similarly, Remi Barrette made up a conspiracy to hide his criminal election interference on the Rebekah Jones op, making a public data set to accuse her of buying bots, first 10K from Turkey, then 40K from the Family Fun App that Remi had featured in his feed earlier.

Note that Remi tagged in Rebekah Jones. The purpose of his doing so is to originate a spamming attack against his target, while brigading others to attack as well.
The spamming of notifications occurs immediately whenever an attack like this is begun (having been on the receiving end of this multiple times with Yoel Roth and Twitter Safety tagged in).

Remi again created an inane conspiracy to justify his ban, claiming my responses to accounts I was a mutual follow with were spam despite each being a single post.
Twitter Safety is aware, and legally liable for the actions of Remi Barrette against my account, with their poor choice of not responding to any of my emails. What is far worse for the company is the criminal election interference, the suicide trolling and what is happening to Chahal’s businesses and non-profits that were enriching Twitter handsomely in ad revenue before the pithy Canadian went on the attack.
They have messed with a master. Carry on with your class, Steven 😽