MAGA3x's Rape Melania Influence Campaign
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
QAnon’s Mike Rothschild, a disinformation mule college degreed actor, has been running a long op as controlled opposition protecting Mike Flynn and other MAGA3x operations. Here he is operational as controlled opposition, disparaging the left for a conspiracy without ever attributing the hoax’s true source.

It’s a minor narrative I hadn’t heard of until reading about it on Mike’s account, similar to how I discovered Chad Loder, one of Rothschild’s co-conspirators had been banned following an egregious very illegal hack and dump of Twitter user’s private data.

Rothschild’s repeated offenses meant to harm the left as conspiracists, fear mongers, mentally ill, as well as his constant coddling protection of Mike Flynn, GamerGate, Q, and Fred Brennan, reminds me of another false flag. This from Jack Posobiec, one of Mike Flynn’s “Generals” on the right flank of MAGA3x.

A PsyOp, or psychological operation, is an attempt to influence the behavior of others via manipulation.
Posobiec above admits into setting people up into demonstrating a desired behavior. Once others joined he then recorded the behavior he himself caused. It was the same tactic the still unidentified paramilitary groups did during the George Floyd riots, hauling in forklift loads of bricks, having mobs of masked thugs swoop in destroying stuff starting fires then promptly leave/film as others they influenced began to loot. That set the narrative as well as the norms for behavior that others adjusted to.
It was the same tactic that caused caravans to form, having Trump explain how to LEGALLY declare asylum repeatedly every day while again, still unidentified recruiters worked initially to direct people into the first one or two mass immigration groups. After the first two surges began, there was little to no need for on-the-ground operations to direct behavior as it had then became the norm.
Both of those operations were ran by US paramilitary orgs, essentially doing these concurrent with MAGA3x’s objectives. Same thing as intended with January 6th save the crowds proved unwieldy needing stack columns to get the paramilitary troops through the maddening throngs of radicalized people eager to prevent the norm of peaceful transfer of power from happening.
Let’s hit this.
Recall that Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer went after Zanting for blowing up one of Mike Flynn’s guys, Jack Posobiec, after he shared group texts to members of the media (source).

The whole idea was for a hooded Posobiec to infiltrate a rally moving towards the middle of a crowd of leftwing protestors, hoist up the offending message where it would then be distributed by the media causing all sorts of outrage. That image was included at the top of this story.
It certainly did.

That unwarranted attack on Melania is why Zanting pivoted dumping docs online and to multiple journalists, to where he gets framed years later by Rothschild and Webb while those men conspired with Remi Barrette and Chad Loder during the Ryushi hack clean-up operations.
Here was more of that Rape Melania planning.
Posobiec is a former military guy running psychological operations on the American public, doing so by infiltrating protests.
The only difference between Mike Rothschild and Posobiec is that Rothschild is positioned on the left and Poso on the right.
Let’s reintroduce another of the far-right, Cassandra Fairbanks seen in Mike Flynn’s MAGA3x war room here as was Poso, who went to work for Tim Pool alongside miscreant Subverse flunkies Rocco Castoro and Emily Molli.
Fairbanks too ran the same infiltration op schtick as Poso of being Antifa, promoting criminal behavior. This below has a response to Poso grifting on behalf of Fairbanks.

Cassandra, who went to High School with Antifa’s Matt Donovan, worked for Russian state TV, then for Tim Pool with coworkers Rocco Castoro, Emily Molli.
Same network. Same people.
Antifa, like QAnon, is a MAGA3x recruitment operation and vehicle meant to undermine democracy. It’s ran by far right extremists and joined with far left ones all of which for the past decade plus have been disrupting the peace, influencing crowds, causing crime, then profiting off of the footage and chaos that ensued. ALL of the MAGA3x influencers seem to have been documented to having attached themselves on to Bernie or other third parties campaigns, engaged in espionage, steered people away from voting Democrats and causing chaos, crime and discord wherever they infiltrated.
Let’s end with the other similarities between Poso and Portnoy during infiltration ops, the top connected to Weev’s Unite the Right’s success in killing Heather Hyer and the below to Susan’s failed bid to recreate that powder keg moment weeks later in an unrealized launch of a leftwing began Civil War.