Portnoy Terrified of Josh, Removes Post Of Russian Oligarch Sergey Grishin DMCA Notice Via Hack
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Seriously Susan.
Here is the post that made Susan Portnoy terrified, a posted DMCA notice she likely arranged as it came from a Putin Russian Oligarch not known to follow Hifi’s old Twitter account.
Here is how Susan’s hackers (which are also Louise Mensch’s lackeys) ‘took down’ the non-offensive tweet.

The weird thing is that the tweet still IS available despite the label.
By going to HiFi’s latest account and looking through his tweets one can see it still exists. There is a reason for that.
The consoles held by Yonder were not shut off during the takeover by Musk where the company sidelined all but 15. Those fifteen were people like Yoel Roth, high up execs, doing so to prevent corporate sabotage as people are going out the revolving door.
When that happened Yonder still hacked into and removed accounts such as Ted and Badd Compani, doing so without causing the system to generate an emailed report to the target. Twitter’s official sanctions against accounts prior to Musk’s official ownership always generated those notices. Post take-over, it’s not really known who is doing what, save the company generally places accounts on restriction for threatening people, no longer banning, and Weev or Remi keeps using console code for ban evasion when that is no longer really a thing generating an emailed notice.
My guess here is that Yonder’s at least two known operational consoles have fallen behind on the latest updates, allowing this bug to happen.
Here was the earlier time Josh had posted the Russian oligarch’s DMCA notice.
And here, accessed again via HiFi’s account in at least two tabs, is that notice, still visible.
Why is Susan afraid of her likely begging Sergey Grishin to help her get strike counts on HiFi’s original account?
The notices were from November 2020, eight months before Yonder had console access allowing them to spy on and remove target accounts illegally from the system. Back then, what Susan did begging Sergey to help her deal with a Twitter account, was the old-fashioned way her espionage efforts worked.
A Russian Oligarch.
A dead Russian Oligarch that had criticized Putin then found issues going on with his brain no longer having proper circulatory regulation leading to sepsis and death instead of the general falls out of hospital windows generally reserved for those who fall out of favor.
Here is some more data.
When Portnoy had the account and content hidden, it was far more restricted than just shadow banned. Below one can see to what great lengths Weev undertook to leave the account up while destroying it.
It’s not exactly searchable. You cannot get to the actual accounts save via the links of someone’s response interacting with the account.