Remi Barrette, AKA Conspirator0 Runs ChatGPT Op
A Series on Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Remi Barrette has console access allowing him to take over and use any account, ban, restore, verify, label, read deleted tweets and DMs, and access private data he and his pals presumably use to conduct hacks offline on select targets. In this post Barrette makes it clear that he intends to misrepresent how ChatGPT works in order to obfuscate what it would look like when one encounters an actual Chatbot.
Let’s start at the end.
Given Remi Barrette covers mostly his own disinformation he himself created along with his ability to take over any account, Occam’s Razor would clearly lean towards his or one of his cohorts running the account as a LARP. The key indicator that supports that is that the account is also verified, something that if authentic and not added via console would leave a paper trail back to the user who paid for it.
Barrette and others auxiliary to him working within the MAGA3x’s sister group’s Antifa operation, hyper-focused on generating multiple verification scams they then fed to the media beginning in late 2022, doing so as a means of payback to Musk over his maltreatment of Yoel Roth. One reason, is it was very cost effective, using console access to verify a vulgar ‘parody’ account with a gold badge, get the media to report on it, and laugh at how much damage the racist stunt caused to everybody.
Similarly, Remi ran the exact same free “$1000” op recently in a manner less subtle, doing so to an account featuring a brand he has a personal beef with, BNN’s renamed news App now known as TrimFeed.
The above false flag gold verification operation Remi crafted lacked the hallmark of what defined Chahal’s use of Twitter—the heavy use of advertising needed to promote and grow the account he used for ProcureNet, BNN, BeLimitless and others. One of the key issues Barrette still may face over his repeated hacking attacks on Chahal, BNN, and his network of companies legally entitled to access and use Twitter, was the theft of unspent 220-230K USD advertising budget within just one of the accounts Barrette either took over, stole, removed the email/phone from, or simply banned.
Remi gold-verified TrimFeed so as to create a small disinformation campaign used in conjunction with something else he was doing. No other explanation. What else he did he do? Well, out of the blue Chahal contacted me. Seems that other op was a gross miscalculation that he, Erin Gallagher who helped him, and others will later deeply regret. Back to his current falsehood at the beginning of the thread.
This post, the first in the series also exposed Remi as a fraud that only someone who understands the technical jargon and his clear deception is.
This next schtick isn’t how Chat-GPT works.
Here is how this works.
The user’s bot control app contacts ChatGPT API, asks it to send data to X. An error message sent in this case would not be valid JSON by default as that is meant to generate text to be dropped into an html field such as a window where one writes a post. So in this case Remi is purporting that ChatGPT spit out an invalid error which then accepted the coded text and posted it. Just nonsense, really.
To put things simply, this wasn’t actually a bot. It was either Remi or one of Remi’s cohorts attempting to make it appear as if this parked account they stole via console was controlled by one. They simply wrote something down to have an appearance of being ‘Russian,’ put that in the tweet and posted.
Everything Barrette said or did afterwards was meant to obfuscate for both his deception as well as to confuse his audience in the likely chance they do encounter his group’s ChatGPT enabled bots in the near future if they haven’t already. Another poster recognized Remi’s handiwork without knowing that Barrette was involved in the original op he mentions, noted here.
Barrette ran part of Project Birmingham, December 6th-10th, 2017, implying his Canadian bots were ‘Russian’ because that is what conspirator0’s do when working indirectly for the PayPal Mafiosos such as Reid Hoffman who admitted to funding Project Birmingham via New Knowledge, now Yonder, right?
That’s another tell.
A bot wouldn’t be looking to revive old threads based on keyword search. It would be programmed to do so by newest mention. Additionally, Barrette points out he or his partner were denigrating the previous account owner.
Louise Mensch, Weev, Remi Barrette, Susan Portnoy ALL do this behavior as it is likely part of their training. Here was Remi doing that two days prior hooking onto an old retweet of his own still crying over getting exposed minimally in the Daily Beast when that was likely read by one-fourth the amount of people who read the BNN article naming him along with his penchant for hacking, just during the first week it had been posted.
Lastly, this is Barrette BECAUSE this involved both a verification badge hoax and a take over of the account that collectively amounts to his use of Twitter console.
But wait, there is more.
We’ll take the easy route here and use the media search to see when someone interacted with this account the earliest.
That’d be June 18th, 2024.
Barrette noted his stolen account had one original tweet before he or a compadre went around and began attacking people presumably that once followed it.
Almost every account that did interact with it during Barrette’s deception, were NAFO accounts. That may as well be Yonder given Joohn Choe running a sock-net of infiltration accounts meant to weaponize the movement against his designated rightwing targets including BNN and Chahal using very racist and pro-rape messaging meant to get an adverse reaction out of them.
What is even more notable besides few outside of the NAFO movement interacting with the account is that there were so few impressions generated during the operation along with another red flag.
The account was banned in short order.
Twitter itself isn’t removing accounts via moderation, certainly not doing so same day without the person behind it doing anything illegal that would trigger a quick internal review. It still takes MONTHS for anyone at X to look at reports of criminal behavior. For that reason, once again the evidence points squarely at Remi Barrette being responsible for the whole Russian ‘chatbot’ false flag.
Lastly, this particular account was picked for theft for a reason. It had been parked online years ago using Fort Worth, Texas as its location, a city/state I will soon be leaving.
Remi is rather blatantly obvious in that regard.
So who does Remi intend to hurt with this?
Microsoft—the company that Elon Musk recently sued in a possible attempt to pressure Bill Gates into relinquishing control and selling that off to the larger investors that include both Elon and tech bro Sam Altman who while isn’t a PayPal Mafia original, is part of that same network presently.
That PayPal Mafia connection makes sense, given that Remi Barrette did work for Musk running his racist botnet spamming racist N-words with Susan Portnoy when Musk took over.
The op Barrette ran thus far wasn’t really big enough to garner media interest, at least not yet. It’s likely he’ll repeat it, correct his errors, and attempt again to weaponize social media then mainstream to get his point across harming Microsoft doing so in the exact same predictable banal manner holding out hope that he won’t get a knock on his door with warrants in hand.