This Friend of the Court brief was filed almost 18 months ago, in a civil lawsuit filed against Louise Mensch for viciously suicide trolling a woman into a hospitalization along with members of her BunnySec group that includes Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer.
I previously shared this first page, pulled from Joe Fionda’s Linked-In page, the only one I had at the time.
Will Welna and Joe Fionda both worked for Louise Mensch, first via Forma Flos, an LLC of Mensch’s. Both mens’ expertise is in hacking within the Anonymous Collective, and speaking Russian, two reasons Mensch hired them. Fionda is cited as a ‘journalist’ within the Anonymous Collective here by his colleague.

After my reporting on the first Fionda page posted on Linked-In, there was a falling out between Welna and Fionda that I was not a party to.
Will eventually off-lined all of his at the time known accounts and presumably started up new ones while Joe went mostly off-the-radar with several of his accounts Mensch had hacked into and removed, restoring including both mentioned in Kirtaner’s tweet above.
I expected to see no more of the pages, tuned out the lawsuit story until this past week when an X search pulled up additional pages detailing the second employment phase that Joe took work for Mensch under a different LLC and doing so for the company Mensch was working at all these years, Yonder Inc, formerly New Knowledge.
Joe Fionda mentions Renee DiResta here. Diresta is a Peter Thiel fellow and author of New Knowledge’s paper named above as the company’s head researcher. Despite her no longer publicly working at the company, Fionda alleged above that Renee was at minimum, working with the false flag manufacturer. That’s pertinent information as Renee was also employed by Elon Musk November 1, 2022 to track Iranian and Chinese disinformation targeting the midterms while intentionally ignoring the Russians, part of the reason I took action to end Musk’s intentionally misleading TwitterFiles in 2023, getting Matt Taibbi factual reporting I was sourced on that he then took and ran with angering both Musk and Thiel.
Will Welna still works with Louise Mensch with the public demonstration above being used to create plausible deniability. Based on recent posts, Mensch’s target whom is suing her in Illinois, is now at minimum partially aware of that fact.

Let’s continue.
Joe became ‘fascinated with Mensch’s aggression’ despite having known her since as early as 2016, is probably the poorest choice of language in the whole brief. She had after all ‘helped him out’ of his poor working conditions at Russian State Media outlet Sputnik.
It’s also important to note that Joe claims Mensch is not a US citizen, as of the mid-2022 filing making her public statements meant to influence voting outcomes, potentially chargeable under foreign election interference statutes.
Ian Miles Cheong, an extremist MAGA3x networked instigator Musk frequently amplifies, worked for Louise Mensch while she was editor at Heat Street. I also wouldn’t call Miles a conspiracy theorist, rather a conspiracy content creator and disinformation mule.
The more important part Joe treads on lightly here is the Alfa Bank Trump Tower hoax that Remi Barrette, AKA Conspirator0 and Mensch’s colleague, created for New Knowledge in 2016. Remi has the requisite access to internet traffic as a Bell, Canada data security tech while openly working with both Louise Mensch and Richie Guinn to reformat the dataset on Twitter, beginning on March 15, 2017.
When the media wouldn’t cite an Anon, a different Yonder Anon influencer account was pulled in to push the false flag that the media didn’t bother to vet despite the nonsense name of Thomas Elmer Addison Payne born July 4, 1776.
Back to Joe dishing partial truths.
Guinn, Mensch and Remi Barrette can still be charged for their work building and promoting the costly Alfa Bank Trump Tower hoax given statutes of limitations kept reseting with each Mensch push of the hoax.
Joe then indicates that the plaintiff had a working relationship with Louise up until September 2021, without specifying what that was, tying her in on the Alfa Bank Trump Tower hoax needing to talk to John Durham.
Mensch found a way to ‘fraudulently ban Joe’s accounts’ is a polite way of his saying his friends hacked into Twitter’s moderation systems removing them after he posted docs meant to pressure his colleagues and former employer.
There are two known hackers working with Mensch that have full access, Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer, Joe’s Nazi co-star in his misleading documentary HackerWars, and Canadian Hacker Remi Barrette, AKA Conspirator0. Joe intentionally neglected to share this information while attesting to the accuracy of his affidavit.
That last part Joe included is rather spicci continuing on the next page.
Mensch’s knowledge is gleaned via hacking and espionage operations conducted on Twitter and then off-site using the private data her hackers get from DMs, phone, IP and email addresses. Joe omits the hacking, giving a nod to the espionage in part 29.
Despite glaring and purposeful omissions, Joe signed the affidavit under penalty of perjury stating what he said was truthful to the best of his abilities.
There were additional pages as well of supplementary documentation, of which I will share two that Fionda included to prove Mensch was engaged in another pair of prosecutable felonies. This first post brings up whether John Durham has contacted the woman later suing Louise Mensch, a question that would not be asked without some logical reason for her doing so.

What was the “working relationship” between Mensch and the plaintiff? Why would Mensch then ask if Durham had reached out?
Joe put both of those items into the court record purposefully, similar to why he would leave out his knowledge of how Louise was conducting espionage via Weev and Remi Barrette’s console access and hacking on her behalf.
Let’s continue with the chargeable felonies contained within two of the top three bubbles.
Asking someone to destroy potential evidence of a crime is probably NOT a good idea to do in advance of court. Doing so would be obstruction and in this case conspiracy as that action would have been done at the direction of Louise Mensch had she done so.
Let’s point out the obvious here.
Joe Fionda worked for Mensch and knows her hackers personally, especially Weev, noted in both his documentary and this intentionally misleading tweet.

The pic wasn’t taken by Subverso, AKA Joe Fionda, as both of his hands grasp a beer while he presumably sits slouched deeply watching TV. Joe isn’t Pilosov, unless that’s another alt he runs. Andrew Auernheimer, AKA Weev whom has full admin access to Twitter’s moderation systems sits looking at his phone.
Weev works with Mensch presently, and like Remi Barrette, has full access to Twitter’s backend allowing him to read DMs, deleted messages, passwords, phone numbers, take over accounts, run Sim-swap ops, use IP address and phone numbers, everything a hacker needs to help Louise stay ahead of narrative threats.