Nazi-Avov Supporter Mensch Targets Fellow MAGA3x Miscreants
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Louise Mensch, alleged Erik Prince trainee that echoed Putin’s DeNazification of Ukraine justification when Putin’s decade plus ongoing invasion went suddenly larger and more genocidal, wants to public to know Susan Portnoy and Caroline Orr Bueno’s anti-US, anti-Israeli conjoined work, gets further Public Notice than it already has.
The purpose of Susan and Caroline’s present operation has been to provide social media context meant to suppress voter turnout of much younger liberals that typically vote Democrat.
Yet excusing the recording of rape, murder, etc, that happened on October 7th, is perhaps a burnt bridge that Caroline won’t be able to recover from similar to how Susan’s pro-wife beating Men-too mission did to turn off her intended audience.
Here is how one journalist responded to Caroline’s pro-Trump messaging.
The following day Caroline was up in a tizzy that her work didn’t work as intended.
Here is where that fits in.
Caroline had a “Matt Donovan sock” added in for emotional support.
Let’s look at some of the responses here.

Then there is this.
And this.
And this.
Let’s go back to the Matt Donovan sock tango-ing with Caroline.
That right there is what she is doing—manufacturing toxicity on the left enough to change the outcome of 2024’s election in the same manner the MAGA3x operators did in 2016 to elect Trump. That’s why Caroline and Susan Portnoy are spreading toxicity infecting public discourse including Sue’s posturing that the left would be better having Trump re-elected.
I am not convinced that this tact is going to work out the way the ops think it is simply because this is 2024 and not 2016, with what they did then being moderately known.
In 2016, Mensch using New Knowledge worked with Remi Barrette to build the Alfa Bank Trump Tower wiretap hoax. Charles Johnson took credit for the Comey is his Homey op, getting a fake laptop to the FBI director who then announced it. The network refurbished the Epstein-Clinton op, adding Pizza parlors to the long-running conspiracy November 4th, after hacking into Lisa Bloom’s office forming Pizzagate. Doug StewAnon Stewart, Microchip and Doug Mackey deprived black voters in Georgia of their vote with a text-to-vote scheme.
Those are the four bigger operations that are known.
This time people like Caroline and Susan are making it far too easy to see what they are doing ensuring no one will miss it.
Here is the original back and forth.
My final thoughts on this.
Horrific crimes of recorded rape, torture and murder aren’t meant to be consumed by the general public, even on Peter Thiel’s past and present radicalization engines theDailyStormer, 8Chan, and now X, whom he told Musk to buy for him. That is true of October 7th, that are sufficiently documented and known about, as well as any of those being perpetuated by the IDF in their counter-insurgency and widening conflicts into the Palestinian West Bank as well as their northern boarder with Lebanon.
There are no good sides to the Israel-Hamas war. None. The people on both sides are the ones being harmed by bad governance, violence, malign influence both at home and abroad, and an overwhelming centuries longstanding hatred and distrust that bad actors will always seek to amplify and benefit from when needed most.
The conflict will broaden.
That is almost a guarantee at this point, just not yet knowing where and how that will occur first given that this isn’t happening because of a US-led disinformation campaign, rather external foreign influences that don’t have a Brad Shuttleworth exposing the game plan before that happens.
Even with the broadening of the conflict, I don’t expect that stage will be quite as bombastic, long or deadly as the current one, simply increased shelling to and from the North or to the Eastern borders that has been going on periodically for decades now. I do not see the US at this point getting fully pulled into the conflict without a Lusitania type sinking happening, a near impossibility given the Yemenis lack of naval capabilities.