Mensch Asks Questions, Targets Vicious AntiSemite Pro-Trump KassandraSeven
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Brad Shuttleworth, lead MAGA3x conspiracist was asked by Yonder “boss” Louise Mensch regarding posts he put up regarding someone he is trying desperately to tying with Brad and Mensch’s pal, Weev. Here is what was said.
First, Brad denies that the above account belongs to him. The account does belong to Brad Shuttleworth, one of many such lies. Second, Brad for Christmas made his list, checked it twice, and included Andrew Auernheimer, member of Mensch’s Team Patriot, the convicted felon hacker that operates theScreamingFly persona as a way of brag over his Childish Gambino Andrew Auernheimer song’s first three words whispered 20 seconds in, “I am fly.”
No hacker that works for Peter Thiel or through the various branches of the MAGA3x network, would dare take that particular account handle other than Weev, the hacker’s first online identity. Besides Brad always lies because that is primarily what he does for a living when not ripping of dupes lured into his law office only to be referred to competent legal counsel after paying for the privilege of having Shuttleworth listen to them but not listen to them with real interest.
For example we have this defamatory lie-filled diatribe above. Brad Shuttleworth knows I am employed due to Nicole Chenelle’s illegal chargeable felony recording and post of journalist Jake Lahut. He’s also posted my license in violation of Twitter’s policies that aren’t enforced anyhow doubly proving he lies. Brad Shuttleworth also knows I am not divorced because the creep cyberstalks my wife and kids. When his org began posting my kids pics on social media and various websites, phone numbers, names of relatives and friends, made stuff up, called my mom repeatedly, Brad Shuttleworth was a co-conspirator.
But that is nothing.
Where Brad is royally screwed is that some of his group, not likely just Microchip, looked after their own self-interest when Brad, had he not been a loner seeking kinship with far right extremist Nazi webmasters, approaching Joe Flynn to offer legal advice on the above account, he might have seen the decades worth of writing on the wall and sought legal counsel and approached the Feds early.
Let’s go to this.
Mensch begins her distancing operation from other known dishonest influence ops “fighting” first Caroline Orr Bueno.
As I have said previously, there are no good guys in this conflict only despair anger and repeated tragedy.
The videos do exist, the Hamas rapes, murders, kidnappings and other brutality are a factual matter and a justification for Israel’s earliest responses to the invasion and massacres. That early warranted justification doesn’t protect Israel from factual evidence they are engaged in equally abhorrent attacks, war crimes, murders and other alleged likely provable allegations. Here is where things heat up with Mensch, an on-the-tape recorded pro-Trump-Train MAGA3x operative herself, dunks on Susan Portnoy, the Russian-American operative KassandraSeven that also works for the same MAGA3x network as colleagues, yet social media separated.

I’ll note that Susan who is called with overwhelming supporting evidence as being antisemitic, a fool, an idiot, being part of Anonymous, as Mensch states, struck me as an interesting semantic inclusion.
Susan, who herself talks about her own ‘soft drugs’ substance abuse habits from time to time giving updates on dispensary prices, gives her other response is here.
All of the above is performative though, designed to make it publicly believable that these two alleged Erik Prince trained operatives that have different parallel missions to disrupt US Democracy, aren’t on the exact same team.
They are.
Susan before trying to get Americans riled up over Hamas-Israel, worked twice on illegal campaigns, the first a So-California Dem primary where she infiltrated and terrorized volunteers, and the second Project Destin working under Christina Pushaw of Governor DeSantis’s press office to defraud Rebekah Jones’s campaign from its right to access fundraising on Twitter.
She’s a putz.
So is Mensch who like Susan Portnoy, worked with Canadian hacker Remi Barrette, AKA Conspirator0, to compile the false flag data during New Knowledge’s Alfa Bank Trump Tower Operation that led to the flawed Durham investigation.
They both work with Brad Shuttleworth, the alleged Prince trained operative Louise tagged in on her original shaming of Susan who also has a self-admitted drug abuse problem making the question of who of these operatives isn’t on drugs currently? Here is another branch off the same Mensch response.

No, Susan Portnoy is clearly paid as is Mensch whose words regarding Susan are backed up by everything stated on the other criminal’s timeline.
The main thing that is important in this thread was given by Michelle, noting that fake-left operative influencers went from supporting Russian preferred options to either third parties or to Trump himself. Susan Portnoy is doing the exact same PsyOp that helped to elect Trump in the first place.
Here Mensch dunks on Caroline Orr Bueno more specifically.
Note Louise Mensch tags in a real journalist in an attempt to gain spread. Also note that in doing so her tag was viewed 42 times in over 22 hours.
Another key reason for Mensch doing the above is that Caroline and Susan are both leftwing influencers meaning that Yonder can use its own assets to root a false narrative that the left is to blame for antisemitism shielding the actual culprits within the MAGA3x operation.
Nobody should believe Mensch. Nobody should believe Portnoy. Nobody should believe Orr Bueno either.