BlockList, How Yonder's Chaos Ops Divided the Left
A Series on Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Yonder’s Louise Mensch joined with Richie Guinn (Counterchekist) sorted Americans on the left into groups and had them fight one another. The chief two groups early on were Team Patriot and the Resistance. Part of the horrific abuse planned by these Ops was to cause as much emotional trauma as possible, made worse by the use of automated block lists.
Funny, Not funny. People got blocked without ever interacting via the blocklists including these two posters. The above one, Serrata’s list, blockedbychiefcovfefe caused a lot of unnecessary pain.
Here is Mensch, claiming Doug Stewart hacked the list.
Here is a great thread that best describes what happened.
Note Leah Mcelrath is named as one of those on the dreaded list among prominent Resister accounts, lawyers, celebrities and news people. Additionally, Conspirator0 is a man, not a woman, named Remi Barrette that uses 8Chan racist iconography and GamerGate tactics modified for Twitter.
Louise Mensch at the time was purposefully abusing people, calling them Russians, bots or RIS. The blocklist was part of that abusive cycle, that if people signed up for it lost friendships over and cut people off. That was by design.
The whole blocklist debacle was a major element of the chaos that should have gotten Louise Mensch banned permanently. Yoel Roth had the opportunity to do so, being fresh on the job November 2017 with Mensch just off suspension for doxing abuse via her main account, and the issue of what to do with the suicide death of Robert McNeese still fresh. Roth it seems did nothing regarding either issue, allowing the abuse of tens of thousands on Twitter to go unpunished and setting up for several added years of intentional sustained and supported abuse to go unchecked on the platform he was required to stop.
It is clear Mensch further divided the left, with many of her associates rejecting her, some publicly because they distrusted her, while others like conspirator0 with his racist 8Chan did so to conceal they were still working with each other within the Resistance. Two of the above names, Eric Garland and JamesFourM I recommend following highly. Conspirator0, Louise and Richie Guinn I would recommend only to the authorities.
Like Mensch, Remi Barrette runs the same schtick Louise taught him, calling people bots, forming brigades and attacking people on and off of Twitter. No difference in the mindset. He and ZQ attack people all the time, in addition to mixing it up with actual botnets to conceal his main purpose, dividing people.
Here is what Yonder’s Ritchie Guinn had to say, a month later and on Christmas.
Chaos Op.
Twitter allowed Guinn and Mensch to pull a fast one, despite the clear violation of platform manipulation. I’ll note that Guinn uses the Russia hates us card as an expert propagandist. Not sure if any of that is true, or if it was that it wasn’t coordinated, a problem most of these PsyOps have.
While none of this was technically illegal, the gross abuse and continual PsyOps ran by the company targeting elections likely did. In 2018 boss Jonathon Morgan got caught running a small network of accounts on Facebook, messing with the Alabama Senate race. Depending on what accounts prosecutors can tie back to the company, I wouldn’t be surprised that they interfered just as heavily as the Russians did back in 2016 considering some of the sketchy people they contracted with included trained PsyOps and former Anonymous folk.
The blocklist was only one part of the Yonder plan to segment and discombobulate the left.
Mensch had Ops like ZQ, Conspirator0 and KassandraSeven to continue the trauma, infighting and social media bludgeoning on the left. All of this chaos, trauma and anger, orchestrated.
It didn’t end there either. More splinter groups and hashtags have been made, several of which LM uses as dedicated, elite trolling units. I featured one member of BunnySec, ItsMeKaidinn when she took a stab at Rocco’s group, noting that that account is someone Nicole and company who protected Castoro like Emily Molli does, is not someone one messes with unless one enjoys kicking hornet nests and seeing what happens.
Steven, any idea who is behind the ItsMeKaidinn account?
LMAO, “TeamPillowFort” Malcolm Nance is the best.
Relieved to hear Eric Garland isn’t a part of #FUTTP or op chaos. I’ve followed him for quite a while & have learned a lot from him both on Twitter & now on Narativ. (It doesn’t hurt that he’s also very cute 😊)