The criminal Jan Bobrowicz is at it again, whipping up a suicide suggestive attack targeting myself and Jim Stewartson along with his criminal buddies fresh off the high of another successful hospitalization last week of probable bullycide victim, Barrett Brown, with whom Susan, as Octopus_teach shows up in both operations.
Let’s look at the receipts Jan left behind for prosecutors to consider.
First up, he brags about his hate filled attack that Twitter Safety approved of, flaunting that he is not held to the same rules as others. This attack was a little while ago, but quite prolific, spamming his hate-filled fascist attack over and over and over with his fascist friends liking, retweeting and so forth.
Next, he puts up the same suicide suggestive pic he has tweeted, retweeted, screenshot tweeted now at least six or more times, with weaponized grief actor OneSecondName additionally screenshooting and posting the attack.
Same platform manipulation spamming the hate/suicide yourself message as he did with his Nazi messaging. The whole point of the repetition is to spam the suggestive material, hoping the target breaks, like what happened with this target.
This guy looking for a rap sheet of his own, doting over Jan, quote tweets the attack.
Jan responds, doting over himself. Classic narcissism. Michelangelo flirts some more, and Jan is impressed enough to make the typo know when he meant now, all the time building the impressions, and “notices” his admirer back.
Lots of impressions, likes and comments ensue. If either target were tagged in they would likely see the suicide suggestive material repeatedly for about an hour hit up in notifications. Let’s give all these accounts a participation trophy for showing up, for the record, most socks, but some individual coconspirators prosecutable under Federal conspiracy laws. Good job everybody.
Since “Steven Jarvis” continues to attack my character, I am forced to respond again:
The author of this blog post fails to understand the context of the image that Jan posted. The man in the photograph is Jason Hatch, a divorced dad who climbed the balcony on Buckingham Palace in 2004. He was a protestor fighting for divorced fathers’ rights to see their children. He was not suicidal, nor did he commit suicide. The author has been told this several times and refuses to acknowledge it because it undermines his entire point that Jan is suggesting that he kill himself. His entire argument relies on this one picture, and as you can see, when the very clever joke is laid out for you, it has nothing at all to do with suicide, nor is there any other sinister intent.
If the author is choosing to see this as suicidal ideation, that is a projection he is placing over the image, as there is nothing inherent about it in the image itself.
That story can be found here.
This is why I retweeted Jan. He's funny. The idea that I would support people bullying each other with suicide is disgusting. Jan merely took the idea of his original divorced dad trope and layered another joke on top of it. This time he cited the movie Mrs. Doubtfire, a movie about a divorced dad that had nothing at all to do with suicide. I will not insult your intelligence by explaining that part of the joke to you, as anyone who is aware of how Jim Stewartson created a sock to secretly rejoin Twitter can probably figure it out if they’ve seen the movie. If you haven’t, I do give it a recommendation. It is quite good.
For those who don’t know that @HelennEarth was a Jim Stewartson sock, please refer to my tweet on the subject here.
The author continues to say I am being paid to criminally harass him, but the narrative doesn't hold up. It isn't true, nor has it ever been true. He involved me because Jim Stewartson involved me. Jim Stewartson doxed me, including my full legal name, place of employment, current school enrollment, my Facebook, my Tinder profile, my LinkedIn account, and he involved my wife. "Steven Jarvis" is continuing the harassment that started before he had even involved himself.
OK boomer