More Rocco Castoro's Boebert Smear Set-Up Scraps
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
The Boebert smear scandal is only a week old, and yet more details of what theKnowsNews network new before they did anything, keep turning up. Here is Nicole Chenelle’s August 3, 2021 Explore Talent thread again showing the next tweet in that sequence.
The second woman is most important here. Melissa Carone, an Op that supported Rudy G’s Fake elector scam was the woman Castoro implies is Boebert on June 10th.
I previously pointed out that Rocco got this tweeted at him on June 10th, a couple of days before he sent it smearing Boebert. That wasn’t however the earliest his network had the picture and knew whom it was. Nicole knew last August.
Nicole who has or does work with Rocco in some capacity knows who Corone is. The banned account, JaneGoWest isn’t that important, rather what they might have put up in the two side by side images no longer on the platform.
Oh? That DOES sound like the skimpy dress picture. Also It is interesting to note that Nicole ten months ago knew of her Explore Talent women pics, and her associate and manager in the private intelligence racket Rocco, a man, doesn’t? Odd.
Right there with that comment “bed” tells that that missing tweet contained Carone, dressed “so slutty” on a bed, matching the image Rocco tweeted to Lauren Boebert on the 15th. It’s unknown who or why that RowSnowCoach account was in this thread, yet by its statements was selling a pre-version the same trashy smear from last week. That account also showed up in both of Nicole’s August Explore Talent threads which is suspicious given that those were the only interactions it has had with Nicole despite suggesting it knows Nicole has a video.
This here is a likely side by side of the missing tweet with Boebert on the left and Corone on the right, both pulled of Explore Talent.
What this appears to be is the old set-up attack/explainer thread many of the ops run, frequently pinning them when the point is supposed to be pertinent. Nicole pinned the thread last week and Rocco retweeted it, coinciding with the smear attack on Boebert. The thread then also shows up on a politically right podcast on the 17th.
This again shows past behavior is a decent predictor of an Ops future behavior, and made my work so much more easier. Here is where RowSnowCoach shows up Aug. 3.
In a private intelligence operation, Rocco who was the lead of multiple ongoing Ops at the time last August, would have known Carone was the woman on the bed in the picture he had sent to Boebert, as his agent, Nicole certainly knew. Yet Rocco still sent Boebert Carone’s pic to bully her, adding credibility to the smear at the time.
The main issue was that none of the PAC published story, including the “what’s she doing in my District 3 Rep’s bed” quote from the above screenshot was factual, instead manufactured then sold to a leftwing problematic PAC who went with it and are likely now to be destroyed in short order for defamation.
This June 12th Rocco tweet indicates that perhaps the smear artist better suited for making up stuff for National Enquirer has something else up his sleeves ready.
Is it aliens Rocco? Zombies? Are the GOP secretly amassing an army of apocalyptic zombie kittens ready to take over Tik Tok?
Another receipt.
Steely Dan, is a strap on adult sex toy Rocco is familiar with, and Chardonnay, a twice referenced adult beverage he previously referenced the day before. That one implied he had a video of Boebert drinking and eating leftovers in her sweats.
More importantly is the meaning behind “tell me more” just days before the stuff Rocco had collected showed up in the PAC’s defamatory press release that Castoro amplified just as he did prior and then after the successful Libs of Tik Tok dox.
Which brings us to this.
Note that Chenelle follows HasanAbi, plus the flyby of 4-Chan iconography in his chat box. His highlighting Nicole’s August 2021 thread starts up at roughly the 7 Minute mark. Odd that he would do so, and not something from the past week.
All the pictures used in the fake SugarDaddy profile were pulled from the Wayback Machine from the Explore Talent according to HasanAbi.
Who knew about and had all of those?
Nicole and Rocco.
Who also had the Carone picture and then portrayed that as Boebert publicly?
I remember when Jim bought into the rumor that Madison Cawthorn’s wife was pictured in a Cossack hat.
Everyone tried telling him that he was wrong, and all of his fans accused those of pointing out his error of defending Madison Cawthorn.
Funny how it’s only disinformation, and Jim’s fans only care about said disinformation, when someone besides Jim posts it.
Why are you defending Lauren Bobert? Did Mike Flynn or Vladimir Putin tell you to?