I wasn't going to respond, but this line right here...

"These ones are going to be VERY pernicious, with bullies likely applying a target’s image to some of the worst vocal recordings, combining power phrases with “I am” statements with the child’s image and widely sharing it among classmates."

...made me remember this, as it is exactly what you describe.


Excellent time for you to call Stewartson out on what you like to refer to as "criminal" bullying, wouldn't you agree?

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Stewartson doesn't live in a state where your conduct is criminalized within the state code. You however do.

Thank you for providing further proof you have always known your conduct was criminal via your "remember this" link with Stewartson's video documenting your coconspirators destruction, use of psychological attacks against him via this medium, etc that you chose to mimic, amplify and spread of your own volition.

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Nothing I have done is criminal.

If any of it were, you would have contacted the authorities, as I have suggested to both you and Jim Stewartson for months. It isn't a criminal offense to make fun of someone you don't like, and I do not like you.

You've answered my curiosity though, you don't really think any of this is bullying, because Stewartson's video is exactly the type of video you were very sincerely warning parents to look out for, and it doesn't matter to you because doesn't break a "state code".

You're welcome for whatever you think I've given you. I stand behind everything I've said and am willing to defend it in court if need be, though it will never come to that, even though I have suggested you go to the authorities many times now.

(Also, just an FYI, the Minnesota laws are written so that jurisdiction includes any crime where the perp OR victim resides in Minnesota. So IF what I am doing to Stewartson is "criminal" and Stewartson is doing the same thing to me, then he could also be subject to that same law.)

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Not according to Minnesota state law.

Engaging in sustained harassment for almost half a year, using material suggesting your target kill himself coordinated with others, clearly violates state law under §609.748 and/or §609.749.

It might surprise you to find out that attempting to bully someone into suicide or self-harm for over six months is indeed criminal behavior.

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As I've said, nothing I've done is criminal, and your continued insistence that it is doesn't change that.

Now, back to what I was saying, §609.749 clearly states here:

"The conduct described in subdivision 2, clause (6), may be prosecuted where any letter, telegram, message, package, or other object is sent or received or, in the case of wireless or electronic communication or communication made through other available technologies, where the actor or victim resides or in the jurisdiction of the victim's designated address"

If the video I made was "criminal" like you are claiming, the video Stewartson made is, under Minnesota law, equally "criminal". Are you able to follow this? It is very straight forward.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022Author

Did you or did you not engage with others in a sustained campaign of online harassment starting before December 1, 2021 targeting Jim Stewartson and retweet the weaponized meme in question that previously named Jim Stewartson?

According to the law which you quoted, the above question is the only thing relevant as you did these things originating within Minnesota.

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Nope. Not at all. Like I said, just because you continue to claim this doesn't make it true.

Besides, your understanding of the law is almost as laughable as your understanding of dog shadows. Luckily for everyone you are accusing, your opinion of what is or isn't criminal doesn't amount to much. You aren't going to be a prosecutor. You aren't the judge. You aren't even the supposed victim. You wouldn't even be a material witness.

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Defamation lawyers often encourage victims of social media defamation to document evidence. But you knew that.

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You should do a post on the coordinated online harassment of Nina Janckowicz, Steven. It says a lot when @KassandraSeven and the cyberthugs are silent about it.


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