Jun 21, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Why is @KassandraSeven demeaning another woman's physical appearance? Insecurity?

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Can you point to where I "demeaned The Mayor's physical appearance" and copy and paste it so everyone can see it? Or you could just sit down.

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Jun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022

Provide the evidence that you claim exists.

Or sit down.

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Are you really so stupid to create multiple aliases?

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Jun 21, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I don't care much for Amber Heard and think the verdict was fair. But having the loon, operating under multiple aliases, come out of the woodwork is hysterically funny!!!

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The loon operating under multiple aliases says?

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Watching you switch between accounts in a frenzy is entertaining though.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 21, 2022
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One pathetic person.

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There comes a point in a shared delusional state that “everyone that disagrees with me must be the same person” and apparently that point has been reached.

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Oct, Mike Rothschild, Remi and you Matt Donovan exclusively use socks to reply on here. That is four people unless you successfully pulled off imitating three other people.

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Jun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022

I must admit however, that it is good to know a middle-aged dude from Honolulu is living rent-free in your head that you feel so compelled to make your presence known as soon as I post a reply on one of Steven's posts.

Mission accomplished.

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Replying within mere minutes of each other and in quick succession is "totally normal".

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If you look through actual Susan’s tweets, you’ll see that her typing style and articulation are completely different. You’ll also learn that real Susan had questions about COVID-19 and the necessity of the vaccine. Kassandra, on the other hand, was very assertive in her pro-vaccination messaging.

There is no reason to believe these are the same person, other than Jim Stewartson told you they were.

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Don't play this game Matt.

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Jun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022

I’m not playing any game. Please send data to qe6lt9+7fkw8721bzujw@grr.la.

If I agree that you are correct, I will come back and say so.

Edit: this email address is only good for 24 hours, so if you’re going to send, send at your earliest convenience.

Thanks in advance.

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Oh, and hey! I’m not Matt.

I’m sorry someone allegedly posted your phone number. I don’t approve of that. Digging into people is one thing, but posting their information is malicious.

I feel like your posts about “Susan” are malicious. I also believe you are using information that does not withstand scrutiny, considering you are using the information obtained via Jim’s Substack.

You said you confirmed this yourself using multiple data points. I just want to know your methodology.

I’m a curious guy, Steven. Show your work.

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Wayback Machine. Matched pictures that were on both Susan's website to her.

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Scrolling through "actual Susan's" likes and these "liked" tweets immediately jumped out:



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K7: “She’s had a lot of work done and SHES UGLY WHEN SHE LIES”.

Isn’t that the basic qualification for what Susan does now on Twitter? As a career? Trolling? Lying? Causing pain and suffering to others?

“… shes ugly when she lies”.

I could not stand it when GIRLS acted this way in High School. Susan is in her 50s.

In regards to her physical appearance, I think Amber is absolutely gorgeous.

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If I was attacking Susan to troll her I would use her modeling pictures and do Gamer Gate stuff that you do constantly Matt. Instead, I consistently call out what she is doing to others which is reporting. Same I assume with Jim.

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Jun 21, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I think Susan, etc. is lying because I have followed her on Twitter for two years. Nasty.

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These FKN IDIOTS. Get a fkn life and redeem yourselves. Do something positive for humanity and the planet while you can. Such a waste of time and life. Get your shite together you evil destructive sociopaths. K7 can kiss my fkn ass. Can’t wait to meet that little girl face to face. Soon ENOUGH

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