
Dearest male cat lady and grammar Nazi Remi,

Substack isn't formal writing. You can. Write. Choppy. For. Effect.

Ask whoever pays you for a different assignment if it is too painful having your criminal work exposed.

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That shows your lack of reading comprehension, Remi.

When I left Utah after eight years working at NPA, the school was highly regarded, having consistently hit the top marks for reading and math gains roughly fifteen percentage points above the local Districts, and was awarded the top public charter school in the state the year I left to Texas. Our school was known throughout the SLC valley as one of the best Special Education programs.

Yes, Remi. I could have helped you and your buddies that all would likely qualify as having emotional disturbances, because that is a bog part of what I do as a behavior analyst.

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Removed (Banned)May 27, 2022
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May 27, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

What behaviour? And why don't you know when to end sentences? Didn't you pay attention at school, or during any of the years since? Or are you still there?

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Scary thought if any of these ppl are even allowed to communicate with children considering suicide trolling.

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They come up with such bullshit. They're so desperate.

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Hilarious that she accuses others of being manipulative, what a POS. I don't what gender.

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May 27, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Love you, Steven!!!

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