Steven. I agree with you and Jim that twitter is complicit in that they allow this behavior to propagate on their platform while denying truth tellers access to twitter. Remi Barrette of Waterloo Mafia in Canada, Christina Pushaw, a russian asset, and Andrew McGimpsey who is the Max Nordau twitter account.

I have been suspicious of Don Gaetz ever since Stephan Alford contacted Don Gaetz demanding $25 million . Strangely Alford has admitted to partnering with the Gaetzes to bring home American CIA operative Robert Levinson who disappeared in Iran in 2007. What Alford meant was, by Don paying $25 million to securing the rescue of Levinson, a pardon for Matt Gaetz's involvement in federal crimes (sex trafficking) would be most likely guaranteed .

Alford did not act alone and I am curious where this case stands today. Levinson' s family stated publicly that Robert died while being held captive under the Iranian regime.

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I want my original account & backup account reinstated, too, pretty please.

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