Apr 25, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

If "EnoughOfYourLies" is not associated with Kassandra & her trolls, I wonder why "Lies" is posting such abusive comments here. Their comment was only intended for one purpose, and that purpose was to try to gaslight Steven into believing he is wrong.

Trolls, by now we all know how you abusers operate, so your gaslighting attempts are useless.

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Isn't that the truth. I find it particularly laughable when they try to go after my book when it is clear they never read the first chapter.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

"Slut-shaming, gaslighting, dismissal, fallacious logic, intimidation: these are all part of the Gamergate militant’s toolkit."


We have seen this movie already.

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This type of concern trolling that weaponizes stigma against mental illness makes me sick. The message their pretend concern conveys is: “if you are mentally ill, you are a punchline”. They have the same dehumanizing attitude towards Q victims, which is why they use the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ to put Jim down.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Making fun of someone's mental illness is "ableism" and indicative of malicious intent on the part of this group of self-styled "disinformation experts." Ad hominem attacks are their weapon of choice because it means never having to debate the merits.

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I had a couple of their socks attack me for being upfront about my own mental illness.

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Get em!!

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