No, Unfuckable Freddie. No one wants to see you ded. We DO want to see you in prison for the child porn on 8chan, to start at least. We can keep adding to your sentence for Gamergate, then I’d like 6 minutes alone with you to discuss QAnon. Surely you’re not scared of a girl, Fred? 😘

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I was about to post something similar Mindy. Fred actually believes that Jim, Heidi and Hifi want to see him dead? Lol!! That's just more nonsensical drama from "Hot Wheels".

Why would they want you dead, Freddie? Your statement makes no sense whatsoever.🙄

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They truly lived in their own special reality, don’t they? 🤯😬

The ableism I received was pretty ironic considering Fred’s physical condition.

You see, I’ve been disabled since 2012 & they thought it would be a great idea to tell a woman (me) with severe social anxiety & ADHD that my use of MUSIC to ease my anxiety, was “silly things like music bots” (see attachment A). https://photos.app.goo.gl/aUECHc4RGjH7zuZ18

I told Desiree Kane that I was dependent upon the Groovy music bot in the Discord server in order for me to use public transportation. During COVID. As I reentered the workforce for the first time in at least 10 years. I have only 75% of my lungs left, so my fear was/is valid. (see attachment B) https://photos.app.goo.gl/KYtvUyvs3yyG1jAq7

Within 2-3 days of that conversation with Desiree, the music bot, Groovy, was gone. I couldn’t sleep, the thought of taking the bus to my new office was too much, I went into a panic spiral & freaked the fuck out , not wanting to go back to Valium for anxiety. I let Desiree know that I was upset in no uncertain terms.

Groovy is still gone from Discord. Not weird at all. The excuse was that someone who had been paying for it, who they later said was @magicwindow, Matt Donovan lost his job & couldn’t pay for it.. Cry me a river, Mattie. I’m currently $1000+ behind on rent, totaled my car, but still paying for it and was TODAY able to purchase my first groceries in a month. Why? Because you attacked me & I’ve been out of work for 3 months out of the past 12. So, fuck you.

They’d prefer I use VALIUM for anxiety instead of asking me if I’d pay for the music bot. But nope, can’t be adults & as I asked her, have a heart to heart talk. Notice the date when I asked if I’d be removed. I hospitalized myself that fucking day.

Gotta love the irony of them coming in full ableist & keeping it up for MONTHS by manipulating my friend Hat, who is disabled an autistic. Continuing their abuse through her.

I can & will go all day, picking apart their accusations. Most of which, THEY are guilty of themselves.

I love having a clear mind. Mental health is so important & much too difficult to access. Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me, knowing how bad it’s been.

I hope your have a lovely weekend, Jackie. 💗

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

They manipulate their reality to become whatever reality serves them best at the moment...which is what all abusive people do.

I think Groovy was removed from Discord a few weeks after Matt stopped paying for it, (removed due to legal issues with Youtube,) but did Matt stop paying because he knew you used this service? Possibly....as with these people you can never trust that anything they claim is true.

Her calling the bot "silly" was obviously done to ridicule you, so I wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately removed the bot.

I empathize with the money issues. While I'm lucky to have savings, I'm currently not working (and not getting paid) due to an incident of arson at the store where I work, which has resulted in a temporary closure.

Hope you also have a great weekend.

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Arson? Are you safe? That’s really scary.

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It appears the fire was set by a shoplifter, and it's not even the first time shoplifters have tried that tactic in the store.

Everyone got out safely, but due to smoke damage the store will remain closed for at least a week.

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I’m glad you’re okay. So scary the lengths customers will go to in order to take advantage. Pure selfishness. Thank goodness it wasn’t much worse than smoke damage.

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