Dec 22, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

All I've ever shared was his own posts and my opinion of the things he says after having paid attention to the investigations and court cases he dismisses any news of. My posts about this guy Make up like 2 threads (and a few replies to the suicide trolls he associates with regularly) out of hundreds of thousands of tweets over the years

The solid and recorded crime his friends may have committed while trying to dox and suicide troll me just months ago and the extreme emotional duress of the organized harassment and stalking of private citizens because they listen to his competitors, which they've all persisted in, admitted, and advertised as a service might get dicey.

p.s. "pwning the libs" in Posobiecs replies as a Q commentator for "research purposes" is suspicious af, Mike the "expert witness", especially when your messaging was encouraging a movement that had caused violence since inception

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Mike is just jealous Poso got adopted into the program before he did.

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Most people who were anywhere near the political corners of that platform in the last 4 or 5 years know that "blueanon" is a pseudointellectual skeptical sleight that right wingers use to dismiss the context of WHY Bob Mueller investigated Donald Trump and very often also the reason Flynn pleaded guilty twice and any other scandalous public corruption cases on the right. People who never used Twitter know this. There are still ways to simply search the f**king term to find out like an author who researches things would probably do. Hell, they may even read all the official reports and watch the hearings.

Investigators don't imitate crimes to learn about the crime.

Maybe that's it, just maybe he imitates things to learn about them, and I can't relate to that because I'm not one to tell everyone extremely dangerous rhetoric has no downside whether the figurehead everyone is incited by is fictional or not in the end because it will destroy the state, as he did.

and just maybe he is studying the alt right and that's why his terminology and associates reflect every bit of it?

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