May 8, 2022·edited May 8, 2022

"Someone is purposefully misrepresenting about how things work regarding Twitter on my message boards"

"Someone" huh?

I guess that's the closest thing to an apology anyone is going to get from you, so they should probably just take it.

Anyway, we're all having fun watching you live blog your on the job training. Don't get too discouraged though little buddy. You'll get the hang of it!

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I’m reading this blog just for the sheer comedy at this point to see how ragingly, factually wrong he is about literally everything. The laughs are worth far more than any potential libel suit. Also can’t wait to have brunch with the gang

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You're laughing now, but just wait until they figure out that picture was taken by MIKE FLYNN!

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I like big butts and I cannot lie you other brothers can't deny that when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung

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May 8, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Can Rocco point out the laws that these "numbskulls" have allegedly violated?

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Wow, Steven. Advanced Twitter search. You’re really advancing in your career as a super sleuth. Pretty soon you might actually get something right.

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Baby steps, Dennis. Baby steps.

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Quick takeaways:

Nicole clearly does CrossFit and slugs down multiple Manhattans during discount Happy Hours. She's a legit hardass and probably spends her free time intimidating others for senior citizen discounts under the auspice of "equity."

Matt is still shy, wears glasses 20 hours a day due to such harsh conditions of OSINT on a crappy monitor, while still marionetting over 2 dozen Twitter sock puppet accounts without any kind of union support. DSA has punted this topic for now, as they aren't sure how to manage sock puppet account labor for one real-live human being, but the next assembly should punt it down the road a bit further.

Emily is still in full on Stockholm syndrome. Rocco keeps telling her he doesn't "fuck like a wimp" and she is in no shape to disagree, but Rocco hasn't had an erection since 2018 and this whole charade is staring to become awkward.

Meanwhile Rocco hasn't had an erection since 2018 and is lashing out at everybody within 20 meters of him, so let's give him some space... let him release those big scary feelings he has, and tell him he matters and is valued and offer some more hugs while we hope for the best!

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