Good evening, Steven.

My name is Chris Best, CEO of Substack, and I just wanted to let you know that we have received several reports of you being a motherfucker.

I would like to remind you that we have a strict no motherfucker policy and will not abide any further motherfuckery.

Please take notice, you motherfucker.

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Matt Donovan,

It's stuff like this that you are doing that will cause you serious legal troubles from Substack itself. Not only did you post what you said were links to a child's social media profiles, here you go and post pretending now to be a CEO.

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When I was younger, I used to think that single purpose hate accounts were the worst thing in the world. I would see them pop up on my feed, spewing their vitriol and hatred, and I would just shake my head in disgust. I would never understand why someone would dedicate their entire online presence to hating on someone or something.

But then, one day, I came across a single purpose hate account that got the best of me. This account was dedicated to hating on Mr Jarvis, my seventh grade English teacher. I'll never forget the things this account said about him. They were so mean and hurtful.

I started to believe that maybe this hate account had a point. Maybe Mr Jarvis wasn't as great as I thought he was. I started to doubt everything I liked about him. I even started to hate him myself.

Thankfully, I eventually came to my senses and realized that this hate account was just a bunch of trolls trying to stir up trouble. I learned that you can't believe everything you read online, and that you shouldn't let the haters get to you.

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Fuck off Matt.

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What a little boy you are.

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Steven Jarvis doing a speedrun to get deplatformed, sued, and ruin any chances of being taken even remotely serious by anyone other than the psychotic readers of this rag, all in the name of fucking Jim Stewartson, a dude who just can't admit that he's wrong.

Bro, I can't wait to see Stewartson leave you high and dry and burn the fuck out of that bridge like he does with literally everyone else hahaha. You absolute moron.

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Does this Op realize that several months ago, Jim’s friends were told who Susan is in real life? And he may have mentioned a few more of them. There is at least one credible survivor that I know of that was suicide trolled in Texas in 2021, as well as this vast documentation. It is not difficult to find out what they look like, where they work, family members, where they live. Super easy. Yet not ONE person has doxxed them on Social Media (Twitter), that I am aware . Not ONE. Yet.

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Grow up. This isn't a game. You have ruined lives, businesses and caused a heaping amount of trauma, and need to knock it off.

You can't hide your trainee.

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I know who Susan Portnoy, from Bloomfield Hills is. Very familiar with the area north of Detroit. Lots of auto industry executives and whatnot.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Who runs K7 account?

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I, OBVIOUSLY, do not care what people “think of me”. I’ve seen your “work on both Jim and Jarvis.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Are the dogs cute? How would you know?

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And thus sayeth the Lord, you fuckin want one?

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Also, this post is about Matt, not Susan/K7.

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This is the kind of harassment that would lead to a reduction in rank and reprimand, or even worse, in the military. On a lighter note, Happy 4th from this new college parent.

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I am not revengeful. I want ya’ll to stop abusing people. But you won’t. None of you. Ya’ll ain’t cool. At all. Not even a little.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

And you remind me of the gangbangers (or mobsters) who criminally rule their neighborhoods through intimidation and violence. Making DECENT people afraid to go outside and sit on their goddamn porch for fear of witnessing violence, or becoming a victim of it. They ARE a victim of violence, every fucking minute. They have to think about the risk of sitting on their goddamn porch. What kind of fucking life is that? Intimidation. Ya’ll putting people’s information out there, their kids, spouses, whatever. But nobody has done that to you. Until Steven started this Substack.

It comes down to Ethics. Bottom line.

Ya’ll a bunch of Twitter gangbangers. Hiding behind a keyboard. JFC.

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No, not like my friends in prison. My friends weren’t gangbangers. Angry young men. YOUNG. Age - Early 20s.

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Hell, no. That was not yet a major Societal Issue back then. “Someone looked at “Someone else”, “wrong. These feelings of rage in Men and Boys is something I don’t understand.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 4, 2022
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Why does it matter? Look what you do to people on Twitter.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

Is this like the cyber version of West Side Story? Jesus.

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