Well, that was a flop.

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Generally anything with Susan is. Remember how earlier this month how she lied about opening up a sealed doggie treat box and finding her own baggies of two different pastas?

Pretty easy catching THAT serial liar in a lie.

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"Susan is a sicko who will tell her audience anything for a price."

Unreservedly agree.

However disagree re. Amber Heard's evidence as substantiating physical abuse.

As in the case of the Russian op who was Biden's sole accuser, this is a case of weaponized misogyny. Like K7, Amber Heard is exploiting the MeToo movement for personal gain. Her documented injuries as well as her behavior are not consistent with victims of domestic violence, and she is the sole accuser.

As for Elon Musk, Amber clearly holds dirt. It is in his interest to discredit her.

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I agree Heard is equally matched with Depp for initiating and dishing out abusive behavior. She was clearly beaten several times. So too was Depp who has credibly accused Heard just as she credibly accused him.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Victims of abuse, as well as others experienced with individuals with personality disorders, are less likely to accept any abuse allegations against Johnny Depp on face value.

The peculiarity of individuals with personality disorders is that their lack of conscience or remorse enables them to lie to a degree most would not believe possible. They are aware of this, and view their extraordinary ability to lie as something that distinguishes them above others and confers on them an entitlement to abuse it.

Such lies, coupled with the recipient's well-intended bias towards believing all women, might lead to the acceptance of serious accusations without sound evidence.

Consider whether Amber Heard's photos are independent records, medical or otherwise (they're not) and what other actual evidence there is of abuse by Johnny Depp (bearing in mind what a person's emotional reaction might be in an abusive situation).

Perhaps in this way we might understand how a bias towards conservative politics has led millions of people to accept absurd election lies without any basis.

***Trolls need not reply***

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That is a highly incompetent response.

A sealed box produced in a dog food factory would never result in misplaced pasta being packed instead. What you are saying is as unbelievable as a horse giving birth to a chicken.

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