Nicole the N&zi left her husband & kids for Matt the Moron? They deserve each other, may they make each other miserable for an eternity. Oh, by the way, I don’t think the Federal prison system allows for conjugal visits between prisoners, so they’ll both be incels!

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Steven, your evil fkn troll told me to "suck your dick a little bit harder". Report them for me will ya? And give me their name and number. I'd like to have a little talk with them.....😎

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Oh, and big hugs to your beautiful family ✌️❤️

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LMAO that they didn't have any contingency plan for when they accidentally got noticed by everyone they were undermining at the exact same time. Norteno is going to migrate his creepy music edited AVI videos and his non-explained use of the word "adversarial". None of them can operate on Mastodon like they did here without exposure by entire servers of people they've harassed or who have seen them harass their allies. There is no central company to report to, they'd have to infiltrate each server and they've already spent the opportunity by misunderstanding who and how many people speak to each other in the information space they tried to connive their way into control of.

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