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Btw, Nicole threatened me with a libel suit back in September, saying I was lying about them trying to get me to suicide myself, even stating they were having depositions by Grams. 11 months later, no libel suit, because I am telling the truth & they're lying. Because they can't or won't stop the hateful & murderous behavior, the walls are going to start closing in & they're going to get more desperate. Please stay safe.

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SlimJim saying "Do your own research" after 5 years of QAnon is peak hypocrisy, just recycling cult shite now.

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Nicole, a MOTHER, thinks it's okay to threaten another Mom on the internet. It's not.

She nearly stole this Mom, me, from my son on August 24, 2021 by telling me to kill myself & continuing those attacks. I could have retaliated, I have the information, but basic human kindness tells me not to bring her family into it. Would be great if they had morals & ethics, too

She's all ready fucked around with my survival & mental health, nearly stealing me from my son on that horrible day almost a year ago.

She should hope & pray she's offered a plea deal.

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