I really don’t respect your opinion enough to get upset about what you have to say about me, “Steven Jarvis”, but I would like to offer you the same advice I offered the last time you made these very serious accusations. You should contact law enforcement. My advice is that you contact the state attorney general’s office. At the very least, you should check out their resource page. It is full of links and contact information for the people you would want to get ahold of if you are serious about any of this.


Also, I wanted to clear up just a few of your inaccuracies. You’ve proven that you try to purposely misunderstand simple concepts to fit your personal tragedy, and I thought your readers would appreciate a feel for how you misinterpret things to fit your perspective.

You’ve made mention of an account on my Chirpty called “@lifetributes29” but have given no context as to why it is on my chart. Instead, you concoct some truly bizarre conspiracy theory I won’t even attempt to explain. Instead of posting my interactions with that account, you post a bunch of unrelated tweets that prove nothing.

Here's the thread in which I interacted with that account. I’ll let your readers judge for themselves if my interactions with it fit your perspective, but as you can see from that thread alone, I sometimes attract trolls that want to argue and accuse me of things.


It’s a whole thread, so feel free to look through it.

As for my use of the pronoun “we”, and your insistence that it means I am using it to denote that I am part of a “known criminal conspiracy” (again, a literal conspiracy theory). I’d just like to point out that I was replying directly to Michael Gowski about something we had agreed on.

He and I. That was the “we”. I really don’t understand how this very simple concept escaped you.

These aren’t even the only inaccuracies in your post. These are just the ones that are so blatantly obvious that I think even you could concede how wrong you were.

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He should relocate to the Gold Base in SoCal since these tactics overlap with the cult's campaign of harassment against SPs.

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