This fkn Toasted Shite Witch Britt is so despicably pathetic. It's difficult to watch her distorted, lying face spew total nonsense. Trump train, eh? I'd like to show her the railroad waiting for her sorry ass. Little turd needs to be flushed back to UK to be closer to her dear leader and out of our fkn country. She thinks she's so powerful. All that and a bag of chips. Can't hardly wait to meet her face to face. In a fkn courtroom! (Detroit would eat her alive 😎)

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Preferably, Louise Mensch spends considerable time in prison instead of evading prosecution by leaving the US. If she went to the UK, she would only buy herself a couple of weeks or months until being extradited, assuming the US does indict her as they should over manufacturing the Alfa Bank Trump Tower Wiretap conspiracy. Same with Remi Barrette.

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