So according to the now-banned "Joe Biden " commenter, Octo is using a ban evasion account.

Someone should let Kassandra know this so she can report Octo for TOS violations.

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Steven, were some of "Kassandra's" websites registered under her real name?

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As those websites are shuttered, It would be incredibly difficult to determine that as those details generally aren't scraped into the Wayback Machine.

For example, I appear at times on this old website in tournament reports.


But none of my over 150 articles I published are archived from either websites I worked for, despite one currently being active. Waybackmachine requires someone to archive before the data is destroyed.

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Yes. I've tried to search for certain things using Wayback, but couldn't find the info I wanted.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022

"Neither confirm nor deny". Ha, you're almost right on that one, Steven. She's despicable.

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If Octo used to be sea_dazzle I wonder why she decided to delete her first account and open a new account with a new name? Also, why did Octo-Rachel tell me she had only been on Twitter since January? Hmmm.

I don't recall Jim saying that Q was Thomas Schoenberger. While I lost my DMs from Jim (since his account was suspended) I recall talking to Jim about my suspicions that Roger Stone was deeply involved in the Q Larp, and that Trump was aware of who was behind Q.

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He didn't know Jan Bobrowicz, Matt Donovan and Nicole Chenelle were suicide trollers working on a likely contract to destroy the org. Definitely bad actors, pretending to be good ones, like you Ratatouille.

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