And never forget that weaponized Canadian tango musician and Twitter assassin @conspirator0 has been partnered with Susan for more than five years. I Yonder who pays them? 🤔

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May 21, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I believe that the woman who is suing Mensch will be providing some information on Yonder soon....of course all the trolls already know this since they are following her account. They must be worried or something.

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The damn on that one certainly has a load of pressure built up that when it breaks, it will wipe out everything downstream.

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What do you think is dumb, Sneed?

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May 21, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

You seem angry, Sneed.

You know what's dumb? A rude-ass journalist who sends me DMs asking about stuff that he can easily look up himself, and who is now suddenly following the person who is suing Mensch.

That shit is pretty dumb🤔

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I don't care if you can understand my comment or not, Sneed.

Heres more dumb shit: Mayor Maccabee interacting with a certain *Data* account, that just happens to be connected to the previously mentioned lawsuit.

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Maybe Sneeds knows who @ er46396064 belongs to.

His followers list is quite alarming😳 and he's suddenly liking my tweets.

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Last I checked you are the zero-tier shithead being paid to defame people on Substack comments . Who’s the loser again? 🪞🤡

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Jim, you do realize the only person here who is getting to paid to defame people (provably), is you, on your substack which people subscribe to - like they give you money to dox private citizens and defame everyone you don't like. It's just you man.

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Your weaponized projection is priceless. I reported on a massive coordinated harassment campaign against me, which you are clearly a core member of because you are still at it despite the absurd amount of public evidence of your criminal harassment. Your juvenile effort to play victim is on the first page of every harmful anonymous actor’s training manual:

1. Infiltrate, harass and traumatize the target.

2. Continue until the target responds to the abuse.

3. Take the response and claim to be the victim. BONUS: Use it to inauthentically report them and get them banned from social media.

So, champ, take your weak-ass junior troll tactics back to Fred and Mike and try again. It’s just you man. 😬

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Says the detected clown that presents no proof.

While not all of you work for the same company, Yonder has been doing social media influencing undermining elections. Did you ever pause and think about whether or not your work was legal?

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“You, dumbass, you.” Is english your first language? Just curious.

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May 21, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

$ue 😂😂😂

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Steve, do you think it’s these n

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Just say the whole word


I had so many emails snitching on this guy or that guy in addition to what I found on Twitter, so I do think most of your former associates thought it best to narc on those that remained.

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Independent thinking, a foreign concept to one like you. The other orgs saw weakness and incompetence, and struck.

You haven't even watched any of their feeds have you?

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Let Steven answer. Slow your roll.

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