Nov 22, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I was one of those minor accounts that followed you and Jim and was permanently banned by these fkn sociopaths. Ya know what though, I'm grateful for it now. It opened up to me an even more amazing, intelligent, compassionate community that lovingly accepts and supports me now. And just in time to watch Twitville implode! ✌️❤️

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

You and Jim have the stupidest fkn trolls, Steven. Troll away asshats. See you in court 😋

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hey, Steven, this fkn troll told me to smoke some more crack. Projection? 😁

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Was there a <REAL> name on the signature line of this letter???

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His email address was the one for his website. No signature which makes the notice invalid.

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Apparently anonymous shit-posters don't like your legal take on anonymous disinformation agents, Mr. Jarvis.

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Does Conspirador honestly believe that he can intimidate anyone by making threats from an anonymous twitter account?


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We got a tiger by the tail here, don't we? More like a pussy (cat). Scream more, punk 😋

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