Jan 3, 2023Liked by Steven Jarvis

Missed the last one. The Biggs people threw in for McCarthy? They for sure demanded something

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There was one more no vote, bringing things up to 20 anti-Kevin votes before they gaveled out the day.

Ideally the 212 Dems stay ALL healthy and present the next month or so with the GOP remaining stubbornly divided like this. Frankly, the Dems could pull everybody behind one R that is acceptable in a deal denying ANY gavel to the likes of Gaetz or Jim Jordan types.

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Just IMO on the holdout, (I've once or twice been called a binary purist)

1.With them in control of the house I'm shy to do anything that would paint anyone on the right as a moderate. If they skim electors below 270 for everyone in 2024 it gets thrown back to them.

2. We need to maintain majority or their ideas will get so much worse through the courts and the next one bearing things like zero tolerance border policy will be a suit and a smile represented by a plain Jay Sekulow in front of a gorsuch and legitimizing that is not working to send a message that they will be voted out for it*, it falsely sends the signal that it's alright because one is somehow respecting their rights.

3. Maybe that's what they held out for. Because Jordan and them are holding out for Trump or something crazy

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1, There are risks no matter what the Democrats do here. The Treason Caucus wanting Jordan as Speaker could in theory also throw out Trump's name. I was surprised they didn't for that third round today JUST to see if that would erode McCarthy's vote faster. I agree they need to label Rs as radical extremists and hit hard on the Santos's and other frauds on the extreme wing.

2. Trump's executive order creating the border policy reminds me of DACA. It's likely to stand despite it being the anti-thesis of what the Constitution and America stands for. For that reason Joe Biden SHOULD issue EO's that ignore Congress, fix one or more significant problem Congress can't or won't, and sell that to the public as a reason to support the Democrats.

3. The Treason Caucus are creating leverage to control the house with a small contingent instead of the whole Republican caucus. I'd rather stall things for weeks as nothing essential needs to get done currently. What I don't want are Gaetz and Jordan holding gavels. I would consider giving McCarthy the Speakership if and only if I trusted he wouldn't give the gavels to threats, nor begin impeachments.

We can expect an impeachment of Mayorkas over the border during the first six months, and one or more for Biden and/or other officials just to lock up Senate time that needs to be focused on approving Judges.

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