Jun 29, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

You're a human ninja fly swatter, Steven. Like 'oh, you again' SWAT! ' Oh, another one' SWAT! You're soooo good at this, my man. Respect πŸ˜™

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Wait an hour. That is a BIG one.

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I challenge you to post the dictionary definition of harpy and not some d&d RPG definition

or delete this because you're a sexist coward

either way you're wrong

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The RPG definition seems pretty apropos in this context, don't cha think?

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Pete you aren't seriously suggesting Jarvis is calling Erin a winged monster from a fantasy game are you? Did you wake up thinking you were going to be defending blatant sexism, or did you make a mistake?

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Lol, exactly what I'm suggesting. I mean, YOU are certainly a player in a 'fantasy' game, are you not?

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This might be your dumbest take ever.

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Oh. Are you a fan?

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Of sexists? Nope.

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Closer to D&D than real world, 'Dictionary'.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Tell me you pretend to know nothing about gamergate by pretending to know nothing about gamergate: https://time.com/3510381/gamergate-faq/

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You think gamergate started out that way? It started out with angry men writing sexist stuff about a journalist they were trying to silence.

You are now currently on the blog of an angry man trying to silence a woman journalist by calling her sexist names.

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Maccabee, who I called a harpy is not a woman. See his past profile pic and sexual harassment constant misogynist screeds.

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Any evidence of you using that term on a man before being called out for being a sexist?

Does the fact that you deleted this question mean you don't have any evidence?

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Will I need popcorn?

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Absolutely. Here is the title:

"Brad Takes the Bait, Is Caught Lying Out of His Ass"

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis


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Amen brother

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Here's what is really disturbing about Nicole's first thread about Catholic Dems: Cath_cares IS Catholic. Inducing self-hatred is very on brand for Nicole.

Cath thanked me once for my being an example of having faith, but not a religion. She was a good person & a friend, the Chirpty makes me so sad for her.

She's a very smart woman, but I could see her giving her Twitter control to Matt, Nicole or Desiree.

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