Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I believe Steve is a Behavioral Scientist. Academic degrees and expertise are not worth shit if they aren’t utilized in Society. A person may have 5 Ph.d’s and publish every quarter in academic journals, but if they aren’t doing the hard work themselves, or inspiring others to do so, who fucking cares. Kind of the way hard scientists work in a lab. Little different for Social Scientists.

Do you not think Steve has helped a kid or family deal with some pretty serious issues solely because he gives a fuck?

I have had far more personal conversations with strangers in a pub, or at a party than I have had on the comments section of a Substack. That is how socializing in reality works. Maybe not be so judgmental about another person’s clothes, income, appearance, intelligence, “status” in life. Maybe don’t be so incredibly shallow and a total asshole.

Ya’ll think you are some kind of warriors. Go spend some time with War Vets, Nurses, Teachers. Go hang out on a mental ward for a month or two. That is humanity. Go talk to parents who have lost their kids because people like you think that it some kind of own to influence their behavior. It isn’t.

I am not an expert on behavior or psychology. I like Art and people from different cultures among many other things. And I suppose that since I’ve told you about 10 or 12 words about me, you now know my whole life’s history. Just knock it off, you all are already exposed.


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Just say you don’t know what a Behavioral Scientist is and go.

“What does a behavioral scientist do?

Behavioral science explores the cognitive processes, especially decision making and communication, through systematic analysis of human behavior. Unlike social scientists, behavioral scientists collect empirical data and use experimental methods, including testing, controls and manipulated settings.”

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Removed (Banned)Jun 16, 2022
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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I find it interesting that you are the one putting emphasis on 'dick' and 'phallus'. Not Steven.

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I dare say they might not *know* that there is a difference between the two.

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I’m sure you find it very interesting. You’ve been very active on this post.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 16, 2022
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From the National Association of Special Education Teachers:

"This series is like having a psychologist in the classroom, and assists teachers in fully understanding the causes of behavioral and learning problems that they observe on a daily basis, along with practical suggestions for dealing with these issues."



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(Banned)Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022
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Teaching is a science, hence the degree awarded is a Bachelor's of Science. I am trained beyond just that with a specialty in Applied Behavioral Analysis, having conducted over 500 clinical pinpoint behavior observations and written over 100 legally defensible IEPs.

Can't expect an infiltrator that spends 20 hours a day undermining democracy to understand basic principles.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Reading and comprehension is not your forte. Is it, Octupus? IT IS FROM THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SPECIAL EDICATION TEACHERS.

Special Ed teachers are required to be familiar with intellectual and developmental disabilities so they can assess and address a child's needs in the classroom. My wife has taught them for the last 22 years in the United States and abroad. Now sit down.

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RemovedJun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022
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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

"U" is literally next to "I" on the keyboard. Wear glasses.

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“For the most part, teachers are put on the firing line with little or no training in why children do what they do.”

This sentence in the link should have been a clue. Life is so much easier for dumb people, isn’t it.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

If you really have "the goods", you wouldn't feel the need to try so damn hard. It kinda reminds me of the sh!tbirds who commit stolen valor. The "real deal" never brags nor boasts.

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Another sexual harassment apologist who says I'm asking for it because of the way I was dressed.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

You are reaching.

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Not at all.

Steven is sexually harassing me by posting images of me and speculating on my genitals. This is sexual harassment. Your post above seems to indicate that this sexual harassment is my fault because I "try so damn hard" because of the way I was dressed.

What am I missing?

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

And I didn't realize the stolen valor sh!tbirds were "victims" too.

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I ignored that element of your rant because it doesn't concern me. You can call them whatever you want.

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"Ignored that element" because it wouldn't gel with your "rape apologist" exaggeration?

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

You are bragging about the size of your junk.

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You should reread the exchange.

I posted pictures of myself, Jarvis took it upon himself to repost them here, and stated definitively that he doesn't believe that what was in my pants was real. The fact that my genitals are so big that Steven doesn't believe they are real isn't bragging, it is a correct assessment of what he said.

After Jarvis made the size of my genitals a feature of his blog, I felt the need to point out that this is sexual harassment.

Besides, even if I were bragging, on my own Twitter feed, that is not an invitation for Jarvis to bring my pictures here and sexually harass me.

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Again, that is patent disinformation. Your genitals do NOT emerge from your left thigh. You can argue ALL you want about your lie, but it is still Maccabee, a lie.

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Because I am the one posting crotch pics online, in order to prove my manhood.

*Irony enters the room*

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I'm not posting crotch pics to prove my manhood. I'm not a believer that manhood is defined by genitals. It's transphobic.

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If you truly believed that you wouldn't make such an effort to point them out and brag.

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I think it's funny as hell that I have genitals so big that people think they're fake. It isn't bragging to acknowledge how big it is.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

The gall of claiming victimhood and leveling outlandish allegations of transphobia when you are reinforcing toxic masculinity. I happen to work with transgender men and women. Our country is lucky to have them.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Out of all these trolls, I would think Jan would be the one able to recognize a fake crotch bulge.

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I thought that too, but then again...

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

🤣🤣🤣 What is the deal with that Jan dude anyway? I remember looking him up because he was one of the first weaponized trolls that I was introduced to. Super, super cute kid BTW, and then the next thing I know, there are all of these pics of his um, exhibition fetish. Whatever floats your boat, but there are places to go to find like-minded people. Why put it on the internet? Do these people not realize that by the time we are adults, we are really not so impressed by wiener waggers? Or were these pics for a younger crowd? These people have some serious insecurity issues.

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Thank you. All three take most after their mom save two of them have my crooked pinkies. As for people like Jan, poor self-regulation and sociopathic tendencies.

I worked a ton with kids like Jan in Special Education that had similar traits in various behavioral disorder units that made the worst decisions and sought attention in all the wrong ways. On one side everybody loved them, while on the other we deeply worried over their decision making.

I have four former students likely still incarcerated or otherwise on parole. Three of those brought a long rifle and bat to the school on a Saturday, wrecked the place, left knives stabbed in two desks (one in the Math classroom I did Inclusion in, the other the Registrars desk right next to mine). When I saw the video (school had just got out for the summer) on that final Monday, I was ticked off, wanting to go across the street to one of those students and get my school issued laptop (they took dozens of those) and ask him why. Then two years later I saw another one of my former students from the same school almost get herself shot by a cop in the middle of the night, on the news.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

OK. Well I can relate to that having my own behavioral issues as a teen. However, a time came when that type of behavior started making life shitty. So, I slowly disengaged with the lifestyle I was leading and started to do the things I enjoyed doing around the time I was about 10. It was weird. Kind of like shedding a part of me that was holding me down.

If you weren’t a Behavioral Scientist I wouldn’t be telling you this 🤣🤣🤣

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Hey Octupus or "Observer" or whatever aliases it is you are using today,

My wife has an Ed.D. in special education.

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Did not post as Observer,

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Removed (Banned)Jun 16, 2022
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So we are resigned to dealing with typos now, because I pointed out the absurdity of attacking the National Association for Special Education Teachers? Keep it coming 🤣.

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Behavioral science is literally in the curriculum for those studying towards degrees in special education.


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It’s okay if you didn’t go to college and don’t understand what you’re looking at. Ask your wife to help you.

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Says LOL who doesn't know degrees in special ed also comprise of behavioral science courses.


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I know I told you this in the comments of the other thread, but I felt it should be reiterated here.

If you want to see my genitals, Steven, you can ask me nicely. I have no problem with proving the veracity of my appearance. Or, maybe even better, you could add this to your court action when you file it.

Discovery would be amazing.

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You “seem” intelligent” enough to grasp the point that Steve couldn’t give a shit about your genitals, your appearance, or your sexual orientation. As Whiskey pointed out, you.are.trying.too.hard. You should understand and care about how other people perceive you. That does not mean that you change who you are. Or go on the attack generalizing every straight male.

Should women hate all men because men rape women? Most men are absolutely beautiful and imperfect just like women.

This is about your behavior and the fact that you are a part of a group of people who believe they are super slick because they are “edgy” and so above mainstream society. Just Too fantastically fucking cool. You aren’t. Again, Steve’s Substack is documenting what you all are doing in Social Media and who you are. Focus.

And go for a walk regardless if it’s hot or not. Healthy habits.

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On the contrary, Steven cares so much that he has made multiple blog posts about them, detailing whether or not they are real. My genitals are only being discussed now on this blog because Steven Jarvis cared enough about them to write about and critique them.

Are you really going to use a version of "Not All Men" to excuse Steven's continued sexual harassment? Would it be different for you if I were a woman and he was making such comments on my body?

This is about Steven Jarvis saying that my genitals aren't real. This is sexual harassment.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

All of you harass men, women, gay, trans, etc. on Social Media all day, every day. You just appear to not like it when the roles are reversed. You don’t really care what anyone thinks.

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I wondered what you guys did when you saw a Chirpty. Now I know and will forever be scarred for life with the visuals.

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