Excellent job Nikki! 👏🏻❤️‍🔥👠🔥#FightWithFire Fantastic! So Steven, Andrew McGimpsey is from corn and soybean land. It is very flat in Indiana. Except near the Wabash River. I know that there are quite a few universities and colleges in Indiana. I ❤️ Chicago.

Rebekah Jones recently received a death threat. Not cool. At all. Period. Is Andrew the guy who pretends to lift weights? I wonder if Andrew's dog knows Matt Donovan's dog? Because Andrew and Matt know each other and work together on twitter in coordinated hate accounts with susan portnoy, nicole 🤮, pervert maccabee, rocco castoro ( how's nate doing these days rocco? hahahahahaha.... 🎼.i can't stand the rain ...beep beep🎼

nasty group of people, aren't they. pure filth.

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Seriously KatheO! JFC.

I want some pineapple 🥰🤣

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