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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023Liked by Steven Jarvis

This article says they’re overconfident. I say they’re suiciding us & they enjoy it.

“The personality traits known as the "Dark Triad" — that's narcissism, psychopathy, and a tendency to see the world in black-or-white terms — play a part. So do political beliefs, particularly populism and a tolerance for political violence. Cognitive biases, like believing only evidence that confirms what you already think, also make people more vulnerable.”


Also, attacking Dave Troy, the most innocuous man on Twitter, as a “titan” is hysterical & says a lot of how they view the threat of being exposed by truth. Too bad Dave trusts the lead suicide troll, Desiree Kane. Even smart people make stupid choices.

Run scared, little suicide rats. 🖕🕊️

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