Thanks for the work you are doing here, and the abuse you are going through to do it. It's been a couple of disappointing years after finding out that this shit was going on. It's like waking up and finding out that Scientology had taken over your condo board. A lot of them seemed like they were on the same team till I saw then dogpilling on Jim. It was just bizarre. Someone has to stand up to it, and I commend you for it.

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

EXACTLY Michael 👍🏻I feel the EXACT same way.

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

You are a very resilient person Steven.

Confronting cyber bullying/stalking is similar to having a physically bigger brother,sister, or friend than the person bullying back in the day. Face to face combat.

IMO, these people are not slick. However, I am in my 50s and RARELY used social media. And I know that vulnerability to these attacks is NOT AT ALL a weakness.

Back in the day, I insisted to my older brother that Donny & Marie Osmand sang “Fame” because I saw them sing it on TV.

My older brother told me it was David Bowie, but I argued with him. 😂😂😂

Decent people are just fed up with it, it has been going on for far too long, for far too nefarious reasons. We are all pretty livid.


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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Why is @KassandraSeven taking Johnny Depp's side when Amber Heard is an alleged victim of misogyny? It also seems like whoever is behind the comments purporting to be "Susan" is trying to coax you.

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That account purporting to be Susan is likely one of her friends or enemies considering how strange it all is.

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Willful blindness is a common theme in every response.

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

She is. Reminds me of Silence of the Lambs. (Don’t take that as a compliment or fear if your are reading this K7+).

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Let the FBI investigations begin. I'm here for it. 😋

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

18 U.S. Code § 2261A 👀

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

Me too. I despise cruelty.

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Hi Steven,

I appreciate you asking your readers not to bother me. And I appreciate that you now at least leave open the possibility that I'm not those other Twitter users.

Nevertheless, I ask you again to delete the articles in which you falsely associate me with these Twitter accounts and make all sorts of untrue allegations against me.

And while you're of course free to write about me, I'd rather you just leave me alone. I don't know you, I didn't do anything to you, and I still don't know how I got involved in all of this.

All the best, Susan

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Sue, I have spent my twitter life ignoring you, as I'm guessing most normal people do. Your posts get 10 responses from the usual suspects, but I really don't remember people outside of the circle responding to you. I will admit to responding to you once, when I was super fed up with your abusive gaslighting, but it was pretty mild and completely truthful. For that I will apologize, if you agree to apologize to Steve and Jim and leave them alone.

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I will say I regret giving you ammunition. That is how you operate. You just keep insulting and slandering people online until they can't ignore you any longer, and then when they respond, you weaponize it to make it look like they are the instigator. It's sort of a heads you win, tails, I loose. You either let it go on, which is kinda painful for the victims, or you give ammunition for another round, which is also painful.

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Oh, no. I smell burnt toast again!!

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OK boomer

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I don’t consider it harassment. Retaliation and rage maybe, but not harrassment.

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No rage here, nor retaliation. I simply have a moral obligation to those they harmed to document what they are doing to make it easier for Federal investigators to follow the trails, seize digital and financial records, and hopefully prosecute them.

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Steven Jarvis

I know YOU don’t have rage or retaliation, I meant many of your followers/general public are feeling upset about the abuse. YOU are more emotionally mature and have studied specifically psychology and learning disabilities. And YOU are actually DOING SOMETHING.

At least that is my perception. It is just interesting to me how cool-headed you are about the whole situation.

My Dad constantly told me, “Act, don’t React”. I can be a little hot-headed. Working on it.

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OK boomer

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GEN X Asshat

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