Yoel Roth, Conspirator0 is a liability
A Series on Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Time to call out this Canadian liar again shown below here that has been given credit for using his direct access, suspending my account using the tools he is supposed to only use to remove bots—spamming and manipulation.
Same as Stewartson.
Same as Rebekah Jones whose suspension presently interferes with her ability to fairly compete in a Federal election, thus violating Federal laws if proven.
Conspirator0, it is a Federal crime to manipulate social media to affect the outcome of a US election. Canada has agreements with the US that makes it likely that if what I believe is true, that you are presently interfering in Jones’s election campaign by breaking Twitter’s rules to suspend her account, as a bot, there will be consequences.
My first encounter with this frequent abuser was when he organized an attack on me, telling others to harass me via mass reporting my account on Medium. Here is the “vile and soulless” attack, from behind a block, amplifying his own attack via retweet breaking Twitter’s TOS for coordinated harassment back in early March.
When he took my account offline, allegedly, he did so after deploying a wedge attack with Erin Gallagher, another accomplice in the KassandraSeven Network that goes around hurting people, defaming and harassing them on Twitter. He was still blocked.
Because I had this bad guy blocked, along with over two-hundred socks and various accounts used in the KassandraSeven Network attacks, they were unable to generate the typical mass reporting suspension they usually get. That is why one thing must be true. Conspirator0 banned my account using administrator access that apparently only bans bots—spam and manipulation, or Yoel Roth did it on behalf of the network.
Here is an example of recent mass reporting, proving Twitter still has no clue on how to handle its platform to prevent operatives like conspirator0, Erin Gallagher, Susan/ KassandraSeven and all her fellow contract intelligence workers do to harm people.
All it likely took for the above account to get suspended was signing a couple contracts over at FIVERR to mass report Katy, whose tweet is clearly not hate speech but was inauthentically made to be so via a coordinated strike at her account by an unknown person or group.
Yoel Roth and Twitter Safety, you have a deep problem that needs to be fixed.