Rothschild Runs Pedo Smear With Pedo-Bear-Robin
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Mike Rothschild ran an antisemite op with Jared Holt weaponizing the ADL to defend Mike Flynn, so it was only a matter of time he would run a pedo-smear supporting Pedo-Bear-Robin, Nazi Doug StewAnon Stewart’s creepy Euro-troll.
Let’s start with Pedo-Bear-Robin’s thread Mike comments on to get the gist of the projection.

This is what the sex-crazed Pedo-Bear-Robin and his buddy Mike Rothschild found so porno, a curly haired baby holding a doll.

Babies aren’t sex objects, save to the most perversely abusive cretins recruited from GamerGate as Pedo-Bear-Robin likely has been.
For those are more new to my work, GamerGate was a criminal online subversion network fathered by Fred Brennan that abused and swatted women in gaming. Fred began his Incel cult of mostly white angry men who were involuntarily celibate, on WizardChan before birthing ugly-baby Nazi message board 8Chan where he transferred the movement. Fred further built the cult there with the help of Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer, who gave Fred a hate-filled eugenics OpEd screed posted on theDailyStormer, the largest at the time English speaking Nazi website.

8Chan was chosen to host Mike Flynn’s key MAGA3x PsyOp, QAnon, pairing the ‘save the children from Liberal Satanic Pedophiles’ ran alongside Brennan’s extensive library of child porn images so as to create cognitive dissonance, radicalize and activate people to do harm to their own governments.
Fred Brennan had sole custody over 8Chan despite selling that to Jim Watkins whom he worked for until his multi-year radicalization work spawned its first live-streamed mass shooting in El Paso. Fred had a ‘change of heart’ fearing an indictment was coming.
Fred was, just not for the child porn and extremist content he platformed that killed so many people. Instead he was indicted over suicide trolling his former boss, under the Philippine statute for CyberLibel, essentially similar to the suicide trolling Mike Rothschild does. Fred fled the country leaving behind a contractual wife Jim set him up with, along with his collection of child pornography images giving Watkins sole possession of all of that.
In addition to running 8Chan for Jim Watkins, Fred had access and knowledge to likely all of Watkin’s websites. Ignoring that Fred was a prolific host of child porn, he had a legal requirement to report the content Watkins had when he first knew of it, a requirement of all US citizens. Not until I reported on Fred’s childporn collection did Mike Rothschild and Fred Brennan go to the press, not the authorities, to help further white wash the Nazi’s reputation.

Mike is not an expert on QAnon in the sense that an expert studies a movement from the outside, not being fully integrated into supporting it.
Rothschild is a college degreed actor, a blogger on nonsense hoaxes that could be best described as jokes he likely made up himself, and a DailyDot writer.
How he got a position on Daily Dot isn’t a mystery.
Rothschild’s first one-hit 2016 byline was in Rupert Murdoch’s NYPost where he praised Donald Trump’s fashion-forward sense.
No one would give out a random byline like this, save Murdoch at the bequest of Louise Mensch the at-the-time editor of Rupert’s Heat Street or Susan Portnoy, the Former Condé Nast VP who runs the spy account KassandraSeven.
Roughly a year later Mike took his acting chops to the DailyDot where he presently launders disinformation, passes off comedian jokes as conspiracies made up by the gullible left, and appears alongside full-blown Nazis like Satanic Temple’s fake named ‘Lucien Greaves’ or other fake Q experts running the vanguard protecting Mike Flynn.
Mike Flynn, as my readers know, was adjudicated as running QAnon, something an actual QAnon expert would be broadcasting loudly instead of calling people he disagrees with pedophiles subtly.
Yet this is Mike.
As Mike Rothschild’s defamatory work supporting Mike Flynn was sourced twice in Flynn’s originally filing about his hurt feelings, Rothschild will be one of Jim’s targets for deposition.