One of the most sick, twisted psychopathic, malignant twitter characters, the banned sea_dazzle and current octopus_teach account likes to mess with people. This was Oct, not Matt who has been pretty solidly stalking my boards, my mom, my wife and kids.
If anyone knows who exactly this criminal is “Rachael Memphis” actually is, greatly appreciated.
Here is the sadistic psychopath gloating over traumatizing her Mensch assigned suicide target via that person’s advocate:
I wish Octopus’s target the best
I always look forward to Octo and her aliases going off the rails in seconds.
You're a liar who blocked me on Twitter right after I commented on your false claim that Jim Stewartson got your Gmail account suspended.
Right after you made that false claim you actually provided screenshots that proved your account was suspended for making multiple accounts! Jim had nothing to do with that.
Then, when I commented that it was possible make multiple Facebook accounts using one Gmail address you blocked my Twitter account!
You're an abusive liar, Octo.