Fake Floridian PsyOp, Max Nordau, ran by Indianan Andrew McGimpsey is so clearly working with the DeSantis administration, it generally only takes a couple minutes looking through his current timeline to find some interesting stuff.
Florida is a failed state in regards to handling Covid, where the Governor appeared to compete with Putin in seeing how many residents could be sacrificed to the economy, using a paid group of deceptive propagandists, foreign agent Christina Pushaw, Jeremy Redfern to downplay the crisis weaponizing death.
Incidentally, that need is how Andrew McGimpsey was added to the authoritarian portfolio. The professional liar, “PureBlood” possibly angry with gym shutdowns in Indiana where he lives, put up this tweet followed by this recording.
Surgical masks aren’t perfect, offering significantly less protection than N-95s. Andrew, who clearly doesn’t get how his spit mostly sticking on his mask meant that if he had the virus, he would be spreading far less of it to the public. If two people were wearing masks, that effect would be lessened. If everyone had the best masks at the time, that were in critically short supply due to the pandemic and both Trump’s actions and inactions, meant the CDC had to pull back from recommending everyone get the best safety product opting for the less effective surgical mask.
Trump favored passive genocide over slowing the spread until vaccines were available once it was known the virus was harming minorities disproportionately during the initial months of viral US spread. He also took steps to worsen the pandemic because the places with the disease first, were all Liberal strongholds that didn’t vote for him. The first of which was that of disrupting PPE supplies and distribution.
Trump ordered the emptying of PPE out of the national stockpile, then made the “he left me with empty shelves” claim, by sending most of that stuff to China and other Asian countries.
While I agree with that part of Trump’s decision to “help,” it was what ELSE he did to worsen death that identified him as killing his own people, weaponizing the crisis for political gains.
Trump refused to use his authority to ramp up production under the Defense Production Act, and worsened US preparedness breaking supply chains pitting red states versus blue on getting what was left of PPE. At the same time his ineptitude pushed US manufacturers to export supplies, which he had said would not be needed. With no stockpile and limited PPE available, healthcare workers went down in droves partially collapsing several large hospital system’s ability to respond to the crisis, lining up dying people in the hallways, staff wearing trash bags, and his own base supporters thinking the healthcare system was lying.
Trump’s intentional inactions led to most of the critical shortages and high death in NYC, LA and other liberal strongholds as intended.
Trump knew, from Xi, that COVID was serious, deadly and came through the air. He used that information to plan accordingly, causing mass transmissions with little to nothing to protect frontline workers. Below was one of the headlines after Trump administration bottled up inbound international travelers, many with verified infections beforehand, for up to 8 hours into just six airports, doing a minimal temperature check, before sending ALL to domestic flights, ensuring nationwide spread.
With the at the time ongoing PPE disruption scheme, states like Florida got the full allotment of requested supplies, whereas NYC and LA, liberal Americans, were sacrificed by the administration, since Liberal dead voters don’t vote.
Still, because Trump, DeSantis and other propagandists were so effective in spreading lies and disease, eventually those who believed the dictators over science were the ones getting ill, injured and dying. Florida did attempt to manipulate the numbers, got caught lying, pushing DeSantis to then mobilize his AG into prosecuting his critics, namely Rebekah Jones for doing her job.
Part of that effort was having the Institute along with Pushaw attack her, going after her family, support, and Twitter account to prevent her from disseminating public information showing how DeSantis had weaponized the health crisis. Not too surprising, a trial date was set this last week for late January, just two months before the election.
Here we have another one of DeSantis’s Institute clowns that spent most of their efforts attacking Rebekah Jones on his behalf under foreign agent Christina Pushaw’s apparent direction.
Closed schools were a necessity given the unwillingness of MAGA to take other less invasive steps to prevent catastrophic loss of lives, such as wearing a mask or staying away from other people when one is sick. Now that we have vaccines the viral risk of MAGA to the rest of America is mostly mitigated, save Polio.
Republicans suck. Trump sucks. DeSantis sucks. Because of these groups and individuals pushing Mal-information, well over one-million Americans lives were snuffed out, comprising roughly one-fifth of the world’s death despite 4.25% of the total population.
Passive Genocide.
Here is another Institute Op, Matt Shapiro who advocates vaccinations for Polio (please do that) while lying about COVID vaccines (please ALSO do that) as part of the GOP assembled disinformation machine responsible for the tremendous loss of trust in public health institutions by their base.
Polio is serious. Just like COVID, much of the severity can be removed by having your whole family vaccinated. Do it.
My mother had polio as a child, and was in treatment when the vaccine was announced. She sure as hell got all her kids the shots. The thing is, the damage to her body where the infection was the worst, never went away. My mom, because of the two shoe sized difference in her feet, must buy two pairs of shoes, keep active and protect the weaker side of her body the rest of her life. Here is why.
All viruses destroy tissue as part of their replication cycle.
With Polio, its mostly muscle, motor neurons and brain cells. With COVID, a truly all-body virus capable of attaching to and invading any tissue while also the first ‘universal’ viral disease readily able to jump not just from person to person but across now dozens of known species, it attacks the entire body. Most of the death is caused by the victim suffocating from pneumonia (fluid filled lungs), or from blood clots causing stroke or heart attacks after internal tissues rupture. In Florida, those three causes listed as the source of death, exploded during the first six-months of spread. Those were likely mostly due to COVID. DeSantis knew. He instead buried the bodies, lied, misled and attacked anyone who called him out for his culpability.
While many of the reprobates latched on to the fact some people get COVID have no issues whatsoever, they ignore that was also true of MERs, SARs and Ebola. Most people, even those with minor infections, could develop long term deficits, particularly children who suffer from long term COVID now.
Do vaccinate children for Polio. Do also vaccinate children for COVID. Both are essential to protecting health, cognition, and sustaining quality of life. Those brain cells destroyed via a COVID infection aren’t going to replace themselves. That is why one goes for the most protection available, vaccines, and when not available, doing prudent things like shutting down schools.
Now to respond to why the vaccines against whooping cough, measles and other childhood diseases is far more effective than COVID vaccines. Simply put, vaccinated adults and children prevented viral spread almost universally. People still get infections from these diseases; however, because they have stronger acquired immunity, something that “naturally” happens with infection or vaccination, they are less likely to feel ill or notice. All those vaccines do essentially, is prime the immune system to work faster and better than it otherwise would. People still get infected when inoculated, yet rarely sick to the point that express a disease or are contagious.
MAGA refused to act responsible with COVID, claiming it was their God-given, neigh Trumpian-given right to spread a deadly disease, doing nothing. The Institute’s Anons pushed that too, and led to the social media contagion where public health was weaponized.
I remember spending $35 for ONE N95 mask in April 2020. I was put in a strict Quarantine by the pulmonologist at UTSW who had saved my life, in order to protect my remaining lungs. I’d spent 2019 in ICU & had to have 25% of my lower right lobe removed. My autoimmune disease, Sjogrens’s, attacked my lungs about 6 months before COVID entered the scene. After the surgery, I was on contiguous oxygen for over a year, well into COVID.
Would you like to know who fought masks the most? Church people, who “prayed me through “ that terrible year when I lay gasping like a dying fish. It was MUCH MORE important that they should be free to sing in church, without masks, than my fragile or lungs, or their parents/grandparents lives. At that point, we didn’t have the vaccine, masks & isolation were our only protection. They chose who THEY would isolate, I was never given a choice.
I haven’t been back to church since.