How the 2016 Trump Campaign’s Pizzagate Conspiracy Led to the QAnon Movement
A Series On Misinformation, Disinformation and Subterfuge
Let’s start with this.
Allegedly, Trump and Epstein raped two children, aged 11 and 13 at the Wexler’s estate Epstein controlled in NYC during 1994. Both men were sued, first in California where Katie Johnson then lived, April of 2016, with the case dismissed then re-filed in New York by attorney Lisa Bloom who was representing the women pro bono.
SoyChicka, who was pulled into abused and thrown out of Weev and Louise Mensch’s Team Patriot operation in order to limit her reach and protect Trump delved deeply into the one part of the lawsuit that didn’t make sense—who the heck was ‘Maria’ referred to during the depositions by the defense and why was this child not reported missing?
On November 3, the researcher found the missing person report of Marisella Pino, who was the correct age, with her being removed from Waterbury, CT, on March 20, 1993, last being seen outside Nash’s Pizza and Grocery. She then sent that report to Lisa Bloom with Bloom transferring that to AMI, the company later known to catch and kill stories damaging to Trump.
Let’s continue with this tweet from Lisa Bloom, the attorney who represented Katie Johnson in a dropped rape case involving both Donald J. Trump and Jeffery Epstein from 2016.
“I represent a new Jeffery Epstein accuser and am talking with several more. This case is a legal morass on the criminal and civil side, but justice is attainable. I encourage everyone to reach out for legal advice as to options to bring this monster to justice. Harrowing stories.”
Lisa Bloom
July 9, 2019 6:27 PM

Seems pretty straightforward. It was this thread by @soychicka on July 9, 2019, 8:58 PM that really dropped the hammer:
“So, Lisa — I was told that you never gave the information I gave your assistant Marcelino to Katie Johnson, and that you instead sold it to Dylan Howard at AMI within hours… and Pizzagate started within hours of that targeting the pizza place owned by the ex-bf of someone who gave you $250k to handle the safety of the women who accused Trump… but you never gave a penny of that to Katie or to ensure her safety. And your mother’s office never contacted anyone about the C&D about the same missing persons case that was sent on Election day 2016, which was a direct contradiction of assertions made by Trump’s attorneys in the Zevos case, & would have opened up lots of avenues for discovery.”
“That’s really weird, isn’t it?”
“Until you convince me ALL of those statements are untrue, I am encouraging all Epstein victims to stay far away from your representation, because if you can’t convince me, that would mean that YOU are responsible for the launch of Pizzagate, or at least that you profited from it. And to be clear, I’ve attempted to contact you via less public channels, but to no response. And I’ve dedicated the past 3 years of my life to cleaning up the mess that you caused by misusing the information I provided to your office, and to ensuring these women get justice.”
“So, I have all my receipts for everyone I’ve spoken with for the past 3 years. Do you have any comment?”
“Oh- to be clear, the information was the identity of the as the 12 year old girl known a “Maria” via a cold missing person case from Waterbury, CT: actionable evidence that lent credibility to Katie’s story. Mari was abducted from a pizza parlor 1 year earlier, when she was 11”
“SDNY is aware of this, so…At bare minimum, I’m fairly sure you’ll be speaking with them. But most likely NOT as an attorney representing any of Epstein’s victims. That would probably end up being a conflict of interest.”

The scope of this is thread is huge.
First AMI, the parent company of the National Enquirer had an illegal catch and kill scheme in place with the Trump campaign involving Trump, his lawyer Michael Cohen, and AMI execs Dylan Howard, and David Pecker. Lisa Bloom sold that story to AMI on the 4th, being asked by the Hill the following month.
“Our standard pro bono agreement for legal services provides that if a media entity offers to compensate a client for sharing his or her story we receive a percentage of those fees. This rarely happens. But, on occasion, a case generates media interest, and sometimes (not always) a client may receive an appearance fee.”
“As a private law firm we have significant payroll, rent, taxes, insurance and other expenses every week, so an arrangement where we might receive some compensation to defray our costs seems reasonable to us and is agreed to by our clients.”
The Hill article had asked specifically regarding the two women Bloom had represented against Donald Trump including Katie Johnson, as they had time-stamped evidence including emails, phone logs, and other documents that suggested that this had happened. Bloom’s on the record response is confirmation, that she had indeed sold the story. That places the files with AMI, the company with the catch and kill scheme on behalf of candidate Donald J. Trump.
Further in the Twitter thread was this @soychicka response to a question asking her to be getting information to the right people:
“No worries, I have been. Lawyers, law enforcement, folks at DOJ, members of congress on both sides of the aisle…but I’m always happy for anyone else who wishes to share this info with their own MOCs.”
10:39 PM July 9, 2019
It is a pretty safe bet to say where The Hill got the tip for the story after that response.

Lisa Bloom at the point of this Twitter exchange was a well-respected famed Civil Rights Lawyer, before it was known Bloom had worked with Harvey Weinstein to discredit Rose McGowan.
There is no established evidence that Bloom was setting up her clients and getting paid by Trump to do so.
The Donald was scheduled for a December deposition in the case which meant things had progressed rapidly, save on the media for the most part, ignoring the lawsuit. That is why this next part is most perplexing. At clients request November 5th, the day after Pizza was added to the Qanon child-sex trafficking conspiracy against liberals, Bloom had the case dropped citing new threats against her clients.
Why did they cut and run after being relatively out in the open for most of the year? What made the threats more dangerous now than before?
Bloom publicly stated her firm’s website and emails had been hacked on November 2. A hack could result in addresses and phone numbers of her clients being known, allowing them to be targeted directly.

Anonymous claims responsibility. I didn’t even notice that one before. The Anonymous collective operatives I have covered here have been repeatedly shown to work for Peter Thiel’s MAGA3x program.
Could that mean Andrew Auernheimer, AKA Weev who was at the time collaborating with Microchip, a present Trump employee, and Doug Matthew Stewart be that Anonymous? Perhaps. He is the most adept at hacking showing recently he has full admin control on Twitter and suggesting that he was likely responsible for the hacks on myself and the Rebekah Jones’s campaign during Yonder’s Project Destin. It also could have been any of the Anonymous Collective hackers that Louise Mensch was hiring privately at that time for “research” with her public admittance of hiring both Will Welna and Joe Fionda being a matter or record.
While it isn’t known which of Mensch’s Anonyomous hacker Collection breached Lisa Bloom’s computers, or if it was indeed one of them, it is clear they were doing so to find what data they could get regarding Trump’s and Epstein’s accusers.
However, what really started things to really roll forward was the document Soychicka had given to Bloom’s office.
Here are Soychicka’s phone logs, the kind of evidence required to prove in a court of law what happened and when.

The numbers on the logs include calls to ABC, the HRC campaign, and Waterbury PD where the missing person case was still open.
Waterbury PD who hadn’t closed the case had a duty to check out that lead, likely going to the Pino residence that day. In addition to that likely police visit, Bloom’s office while ending the case alleged the women had fled.
While there are plenty of credible possibilities of why the level of harassment increased, the date this all happened coincides to the same twenty-four hour window as the missing person case file being known, presented to Bloom then possibly sold to AMI hours before the Pizzagate launch. The story though was definitely within the vault along with sixty other Trump stories as Ronan Farrow who wrote Catch and Kill states as such on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. (Start watching at 7:20)
So how does this all connect back to Trump?
Let’s assume that Trump already had the original Johnson story going back to early June of 2016 and knew that the case was being refiled in New York after getting tossed in California over jurisdiction issues. It isn’t that much of a leap to assume this as Trump is the kind of guy who always shows his poker hand by wearing mirrored glasses. He gave a “tell” that indicates he had fore-knowledge a few days before the case against him was again initiated. All we would need to prove this is for Trump to say something incredibly obvious, such as the following quote reappearing everywhere on social media to establish that he knew of the impending lawsuit against him:
“Nice guy. Uh, Got a lot of problems coming up in my opinion with the famous island with Jeffery Epstein. A lot of problems.”
Don was on stage in late February of 2015 being interviewed by Fox pal Sean Hannity who asked him about what he thinks about Bill Clinton. It was an obvious question-response set-up in hindsight. At this point, no one was talking about Epstein outside of a single dutiful reporter in Miami, Julie K. Brown. So why bring up Epstein?
Trump sought to attack Hillary using what he knew personally about Epstein having partied with him for the better part of three decades, that Epstein was a child rapist and Bill must be too because he was associated with Epstein. He also likely knew of a 2011 interview of Virginia Guiffre the chief victim of Epstein dangled as a honeypot for luminaries targeted for blackmail, stating Bill with his Secret Service detail was seen on the island, a revelation that Clinton still denies, as the interview had reemerged and recirculated weeks earlier during January on multiple rightwing and British outlets.
Beginning June 11, 2016, just when Trump needed to have it spread wildly, the twelve-second clip of he and Hannity replicated everywhere on social rightwing media. I stumbled on well over fifty such postings using the clip back when I wrote my first book on Trump and assumed the clip had originated in June 2016 instead of February 2015. Now, these posts are mostly gone, having likely been purged by the various platforms they were originally published on such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter for spreading misinformation, QAnon, and other conspiracies.
While that week’s social media postings are gone the following video launched on the 12th still exists showing extensive RT material winding the same conspiracy that Clinton and Epstein were a fixture. RT is a Russian “media” outlet targeted for US consumption known to propagate conspiracies on behalf of the Kremlin.
That week’s effort to flood social media with the Bill Clinton/Epstein smear coincided with the refiling of his own lawsuit as a codefendant with Jeffery Epstein that entered the court filing system on June 20, 2016, in New York where the alleged 1994 rapes of two girls Katie Johnson and fellow victim Maria occurred at the Wexler Estate where Epstein was domiciled.
Going back to that original February 2015 clip of Trump telling Hannity about Bill having problems with Jeffery Epstein, there was no logical explanation for why Trump would say such a thing other than an obvious tell that Don was in the process of setting up a smear he would use later. He and his allies spread that clip extensively just days before he was sued, and those accounts and the material they pushed no longer exist after social media purged most of the QAnon material.
Back to November 4.
Trump was in trouble, serious trouble. He already had a court date to give a recorded deposition next month in regard to his alleged rape of Katie Johnson who was thirteen at the time of the attack. He had just received word that a possible identity of the second rape victim Maria had a credible lead via a missing person’s case of a girl whose last known whereabouts were at Nash’s Pizza and Grocery in Waterford, Connecticut on March 20, 1993. His social media team that included Microchip needed to hit back before the story of the missing girl emerged.
That’s where Q comes into the story.
QAnon itself is a Russian PsyOp, or Psychological Operation that began being hosted on Russian created English language websites as early as 1998. The operation was adopted by Americans, brought over to the US, then ran by mostly Americans as a vehicle to promote conspiracies meant to build a Russian supportive fifth column that would later be directed at the US capitol on January 6th. The American version of Q started posting things just prior to the election with the most important post connecting to this story being the ones made that night AMI received the Nash’s Pizza and Grocery Trump and Epstein child rape connection.
On November 4th, Trump’s social media digital soldiers added Pizza to the long-standing Clinton smear then alleging the Dems were trafficking children via pizza parlors. While it doesn’t really matter which MAGA3x operative made the posts, it does matter showing who the team was behind the promotional aspects while also noting Microchip, a convicted felon and collaborator with Weev and Doug Matthew Stewart, was working for Trump at that time according to his testimony against his co-conspirator Douglass Mackey.

The above undated picture of Mike Flynn, the convicted felon General for lying to the FBI about his work for foreign governments, is seen with one of his QAnon teams, the one tasked with promotion and amplification of MAGA3x curated and/or created content that was being provided by other teams.
The team’s November 4th adding of pizza to the long-running Trump-Hannity initiated hoax was meant to push away media attention from covering the lawsuit. That worked.
So too did the changes made during the main phase of QAnon promotion that began roughly a year after the hack on Bloom’s office when one of Flynn’s Q operatives first posted in late October of 2017 on an Incel-child porn hosting message board ran by the friend of the fish account shown at the beginning of our story, Fred Brennan.
Like most of the operations the MAGA3x network does then studies the results of at Thiel-connected Yonder Inc, they came back and re-ran the Pizzagate operation with the addition of rancid raccoon and current Philippine fugitive Fred Brennan after recruiting the cherubic and lovable Nazi having Weev and Anglin give ‘hot wheels’ a pro-eugenics OpEd on the largest English Speaking website, the Daily Stormer.
Fred, the father of the GamerGate cult and suicide trolling pioneer, was likely brought on as an added back-up to the DailyStormer operation Weev was running, stated here to be Peter Thiel, with Andrew referring to Jeff Giesea here below years earlier.
Brennan’s role in hosting QAnon drops was needed because he already had formed a large viewership of angry mostly white InCels, which are involuntarily celibate men who can’t get laid, were already radicalized on the child porn, swatting, misogyny and other criminal activity Fred was selling. Those types of men Fred had radicalized were exactly the types of men Mike Flynn was referring to in his book teaching people how to get others to kill for you so you don’t have to get the blood on your own hands, dedicating a whole chapter to it.
Getting Fred’s server out of a US jurisdiction where it should have already have been be seized may have been why Jim Watkins gave Fred a wife and a paycheck to manage both mens’ collections of illicit material with Fred being the only one with full access to the 8Chan server up until Fred being warned of his imminent arrest for Cyberlibel after his cold feet following the successful 8Chan activation of the 2019 El Paso mass shooting saw him recharge his “hotwheels” leave his contractual wife and fled back to the US.
Which reminds me, recruiting various assets into a criminal conspiracy that at its endpoint is designed to overthrow the US government doesn’t always go according to plan, as Fred wasn’t the only one that didn’t get along with his co-conspirators.

Let’s get back to November 4, 2016.
We also know that Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime fixer made multiple contacts with both David Pecker and Dylan Howard of AMI that November 4 in a flurry of activity starting at 4:30 in the evening. Exhibit 1 pages 52–55 detail what is known to have transpired between Cohen and AMI that night where he was managing the potential fallout of WSJ’s reporting on Trump’s affairs with two Porn Stars, Stormy Daniels and Jessica Drake as well as the affair with Playboy Bunny Stephanie Clifford that he successfully quashed.
What was most interesting to me in this section of the files is that the lawyer representing Clifford and Daniels, Keith Davidson sent an audiotape recording of Clifford discounting the plausibility of Jessica Drake’s allegations titled stormy.mp3.
Why would the title be Stormy if it had nothing to do with Stormy rather Jessica Drake unless the recording was unspecific in addressing who Clifford was speaking about in order to give plausible deniability of Stormy’s affair claim?
That kind of muddying the waters, using some truth to misrepresent, or rather lie has been a hallmark of the people connected to Trump. Kind of like using a fact about a pizza place to combat an allegation that Trump was somehow involved in a missing child case by making it less credible through a coordinated social media attack campaign. Cohen was clearly working on suppressing both stories damages to Trump’s election campaign.
For most of the charges and allegations levied against Trump he has been able to deflect and confuse enough to keep his base loyal. That is multiplied greatly with the MAGA3x backing of Peter Thiel and his bevy of social media influence operations that bamboozled Trump all the way into the White House on the backbone of conspiracies, projection, and talking very very fast.
A great deal of that is because of he had the conspiratorial power of Peter Thiel’s MAGA3x behind him pushing out content like PizzaGate on social media, and then to legacy. He and his lawyers also use threats, which is what thugs do when cornered.
This excerpt was taken from the court filing signed on June 16, 2016, by Johnson.
“Both defendants had let me know that each was a very wealthy and powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability and means to carry out their threats. Indeed, defendant Trump stated that I shouldn’t ever say anything if I didn’t want to disappear like Maria, a 12-year old female that was forced to be involved in the third incident with defendant Trump and that I had not seen since that third incident, and that he was capable of having my whole family killed.”
Would it bother a Trump supporter knowing that he was accused not only of raping two juveniles, of causing the disappearance of one of them and using that to threaten the other? Some probably would come back and say they were happy with the size of their 401K, and that it was just more fake news. That is how badly desensitized Trump’s base has become, though the middle would surely turn away from him at that point. Once Trump is dislodged from office, he will face an onslaught of charges including ones connected to Pizzagate and QAnon. That means he will try anything to keep power as long as possible.
An additional side note, Michael Cohen sent this to reporter Tim Mak. (H/T @soychicka)
“You’re talking about Donald Trump a private individual who never raped anybody and understand that I know where you’re going with this story, and I know what you’re doing”
“I know where you’re going with it because the daily beast and yourself you’re a bunch of disengenuous bastards ad mark my words todate it’s 4/17 — this will be the day that you regret”
“I know where you’re going with this stupid story and I know what you’re planning on doing”
“If there’s any interference whatsoever whether it’s in the headline, any aspect of your article that indicates a rape, and I don’t care if it’s a small fucking line that you’re going to throw in somewhere”
“Mark my words for it, I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse…”
“Do not even think about going to where I know you’re planning on going.”