This actually cracks me up.

The Anonymous Collective loved the personalized attention that getting caught brought, making documentaries with their associates to commemorate what they did and what the consequences were.
Those dudes are hard core.
Now we have soft ones that wilt when their name is properly attributed to their spy craft. Just as Susan Portnoy (KassandraSeven), Remi Barrette (conspirator0) and Brad Shuttleworth do, Andrew McGimpsey doth protests his being the cyber criminal stalker MaxNordau.
He is definitely the man, or rather mouse, behind the abusive, misogynistic MaxNordau account that has been a firehose full of defamation, conspiracy and lies supporting whatever Pushaw, DeSantis and Matt Gaetz need from a manipulatable sock pretending to be from Florida when he lives in Indiana.
The GeoJones account white-knighting for Andrew McGimpsey above is far less consequential, more or less a minimum wage troll within the single purpose hate account network dedicated to Florida politics primarily.
Andrew McGimpsey’s work mainly targets Rebekah Jones, but at times he dogpiles others on the left with his lies such as his ill-conceived attack on Lizzo.
Andrew gets as a cartoonish MaxNordau villain and not as himself, regularly featured in national news outlets despite supposed journalistic integrity against using anonymous sources for news.
The pipeline from generating social media content to mainstream news funnel Yonder cooked up has worked so well that journalism is no longer following the same reporting ethics they were once bound. This breakdown means that MaxNordau gets coverage for his fake news and amplification for his attacks, while actual research-based journalism that holds governments and corporations is minimized and pushed out.
The latest story Andrew’s MaxNordau gets coverage was this one.
This piece above included a screenshot as well.
Using these anonymous sock accounts to fight proxy wars to promote DeSantis over Trump goes way beyond what the story covers, with the entire network spending time taking ineffective whacks to dislodge the Trump-beast from his swampy throne.
Here is some advice for Pushaw’s team.
Your ‘candidate’ is as flawed as Trump is so your efforts are ultimately going to be for naught. Yet if you must, hit Trump where it is factual, counts, and is triggering, his being a perennial loser, a fraud, and a repeated failure.

Trump’s competence, especially his brag of ‘surprising the doctors’ over passing a dementia screener, is also particularly devastating and un-realized among the rightwing.
With what DeSantis’s digital soldiers are currently doing to promote Ron over Don in their great pivot to one weak-strongman to another, he’ll lose even if Trump is indicted by everyone currently progressing towards prosecution.
Either man in the general is a lost cause in a free and fair election, especially when they’ll face someone general voters know and trust has the one quality neither has—stability and heart.

Of course DeSantis/Trump or whomever they end up ultimately backing, isn’t likely to play by silly things like Constitutional Law are they?
While I get the angst of legal risks Andrew has along with Christina Pushaw, Remi Barrette (conspirator0) and Susan Portnoy (kassandraSeven) and countless others that interfered criminally in the Florida 1st House race they did so freely looking for a paycheck with Twitter handing over to Remi developer tools capable of reading Rebekah Jones’s direct messages and ultimately banning her account himself.
Here is one more thread on the day DeSantis’s digital soldiers had Remi Barrette pull the plug on Jones, via Twitter developer tools, with two accounts working on the Op, MitchDMS and Susan Portnoy’s KassandraSeven plying their craft.