Anonymous Collective is another withered movement deeply rooted within our segmented network of social media influencers running false flags. This thread puts some of what I have seen during my research rather succinctly.
Anonymous was mostly a narrative vehicle for many of the same people I cover, to commit crimes and be cool. Then it got infiltrated and co-opted, rather easily because most of the Anons we have been covered wanted clout and attention pulling off bigger more visible operations that were newsworthy. That caused fractures to permeate within the various factions even before arrests were being made.
Joe Fionda’s self-promoting documentary Hacker Wars did an adequate job of covering the machinations from their point of view. Tim Pool, Weev, Barrette Brown, Rod Webber’s future wife ‘Splendid Spoon,’ Fionda, and others appear making it seem like what was happening with both Barrette and Weev getting convicted as somehow cool.
Now as the account says above correctly, the groups that began with occupy fight with each other. They really do.
Undue influence.
In the same manner Mensch came to destroy the left joined by an even more insidious Susan Portnoy, others broke within their networks in order to control and manipulate from within. And it wasn’t the Feds. Sure they came in and broke things up with Sabu, but what of the other guys that exploit movements?
I will note Glen Greenweld appears in Fionda’s video, a journalist used to launder stolen US secrets into the mainstream a la WIKIleaks. WL was a Russian supportive mission itself, being heavily influenced by what Putin or more accurately, his allies, wanted the world to know.
Barrett Brown drove Kirtaner to suicidal ideation. Libby catfished Kirtaner just as his pregnant wife had left, as everyone within The Thinkin Project heard his pain & suffering. I know Kirt hasn’t been an angel, but they both weaponized his vulnerabilities during a time when he needed community & support. Fuck both Libby & Barrett, forever. 🖕🕊️